My Poems

"It's... well, it's... well it rhymes!"
-- Jadzia Dax, "One Little Ship"

Welcome to my poems section. Poetry is a rare thing to occur within my brain, but when it does, I either scrap them instantly, or keep them. These are the three latest poems I've kept. Any more that I write will be added as I see fit.

Be nice. Like I said, this doesn't happen often... I suppose I ought to describe their origins a little...

All the best poets write about their feelings in a situation, and that can be said for two of these, "Boredom" and "Ode To Results Day". The first was written one day when I just got SO bored I couldn't think of anything else to do... so I wrote a poem, which, remarkably, became almost vaguely deep and meaningful. For a while it DID sound a little like a Seven of Nine monologue ("Boredom is irrelevant" LOL) but I think I fixed it.

The second, "Ode To Results Day", was written the night before that fated, dreaded, arduous day known as *ominous drumroll* A-LEVEL RESULTS DAY! It is quite possibly the most stressful experience one person can go through, and frankly it shouldn't be allowed! The end of the poem was written after the event... after all the tears of joy and happiness were shed. Of course, once that stress is over, there's the stress of actual University... but that's like a walk in the park compared to results day.

The third poem, "The Diet", is in the style of Sylvia Plath, written for an English lesson. Which goes to prove that just because you end up stuck in the Literature course, it doesn't necessarily mean you don't get to be creative! One day, I might get a link up so that you can learn about Sylvia Plath herself. If I can be arsed, of course...

The last one in the list, "Need Want Love", is angsty. It was originally within a rant when I was feeling betrayed and thwarted, and all because of something others would think trivial, but I won't ramble about it now. I'd like to think it's not me, but on some level it probably is... most of the things that write themselves come from my subconsious anyway, correct?

And, yes, that IS a Star Trek quote at the top... What!? It works! So without further messing about... I present, my POMES!

"BOREDOM", a poem written whilst... uh... bored!
"ODE TO RESULTS DAY" - hell on paper. Written the night before, and on the day.
"THE DIET" - a poem written for an English lesson in the style of Sylvia Plath.
"NEED WANT LOVE", one of my more angst ridden escapades into poetry...
