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Born on the Chiss home-world, Mitth'raw'nuruodo quickly rose to the rank of High Admiral in the Imperial Navy and was noticed by Emperor Palpatine who secretly chose him to be the body for his essence to take over in case of his own death. In order to ensure he was in the right place at the right time, Palpatine bribed many Imperial delegates to vote him in as the next Emperor if the situation turned dire.
Thrawn was on a mission in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy when the Battle of Endor took place and was quickly called back for Palpatine's funeral when the transfer took place. Just as planned, Thrawn was voted in as Emperor with all the benefits - including the Emperor's Hand
Mara Jade who he sent to destroy the Jedi who planned to make an alliance with the Mandalore.
Mara opposed Thrawn's rule yet, despite her attempt to avoid him by faking Leia Skywalker's death he used Palpatine's old Sith apprentice Darth Maul to track her down for another mission....