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SFI Member Packet


Packet Contents


GOLD Service Bar: Given for outstanding performance during a sim beyond the call of duty despite personal danger.

SILVER Service Bar: Given for outstanding performance during a sim beyond the call of duty in situations where the recipient's life was not in danger.

BRONZE Service Bar: Given for outstanding performance during a sim where a seeminingly unsolveable problem was solved (but not attempting to employ ideas that seem excessively unrealistic such as popping a Q into the scene).

GOLD Merit Medal: Given for exceptional log writing and regular posting to boards and mailing to the crew.

SILVER Merit Medal: Given for exceptional character development in sims and logs and for regular attendance.

BRONZE Merit Medal: Given for regular attendance and posting logs.

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  1. Go here first - SFI Sim Club

  2. Keep this link in your Favorite Places

  3. Find the subject with your ship or station

  4. Give your post a title (Your name ((Rank and Character name)) and stardate ((Ex: 990108)) ) and start your log in the body part.

  5. When you are finished, click on "send". Your log is posted!

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Basic Role Playing Guidelines

The following are basic Role Playing / Simming guidelines to follow; To show action we use two colons. For example, "::walks to the Tactical station::". That is an action. You can only make action for your character. You cannot make things appear in the sim. That is the CO's responsibility.

Anything inside brackets is OOC, or Out Of Character. "<Sorry, about all the typo's guys, I'm really tired today.>". Inside the brackets shows your OOC Statement. Anything else is considered IC, or In Character.

In order to use your character's comunication badge and communicate, you use the following: "+Taps (in this space the person, or place you want to talk to)+". For example "+Taps Bridge+ Power is at 100%"

Some basic symbols you should know are @. This is used when the ship has an away team mission. People on the Away Team use it. Before you type any text, you enter this symbol. This is done to make sure there is no confusion between who is on the ship, and who is on the Away Team. EXAMPLE: The Executive Officer on an away mission would post, "@<XO>+[SHIP]+ Four to beam up."


The Captain is the person in charge. All action and instructions are to be followed. The CO plans all sims and mission briefs. He/She also is in charge of recruiting for the ship, if a spot if left vacant. The CO has the responsibility of attending GFP Board Meetings and votes during these sessions. The CO is also responsible for all ship rules making sure they are followed and carried out.

EXECUTIVE OFFICER (XO, First Officer, #1 )
The XO is second in command and is responsible for execution of Starfleet orders and policy. All Action the XO calls is followed as if the Captain called it. The XO is responsible for keeping attendance. A log of whom has missed sims is required.

Runs sensor scans, handles all communications, tractor beams, monitors ship wide status and functions. Ops can also pilot the ship (if no Helm officer is present), arrange power distribution to major systems during emergency situations. This position is varied and many things can happen with this position. It is the most involved position during the sim.

The science officer(s) are responsible for handling all information that needs to be analyzed. Science personal are also in charge of any and all probes that are used in missions. It is recommended that a science officer is taken on the away team.

In charge of all weapons: Phaser's, Photon Torpedoes, and shields. In addition, damage reports. Tactical officers must be aware of everything going on, especially any unknown vessels in the vicinity.

All internal security on board. Responsible for handling intruders, supervising security on away teams, etc. The Security officers must be aware of everything going on, especially any persons onboard the ship. It is recommended that a security officer is taken on the away team.

note: Tactical and Security may be one post when the ship's compliment is low.

Helmsman is responsible for moving the ship. This involves docking with Star Bases, taking orbits and the such. This post gets interesting when time travel or special maneuvers are required.

The Engineers are the mechanics of the ship, they are responsible for all power, computer systems and propulsion systems. Keep in mind an Engineer can get anything done! An Engineer can work at almost any station including engineering and the bridge.

Responsible for the health of the Crew and treating the injured. A Medical officer must always in on an Away Team, and are mostly found in sickbay. Medical officers may go anywhere on the ship. It is highly recommended that a medical officer be taken on all away teams.

Assists the Captain in making decisions. The Counselor also makes sure the mental health of the crew is okay. This person usually has some type of telepathic powers. It is recommended that the counselor go along when encountering new or hostile races.

Note: If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, or your Commanding Officer.

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