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     Sung to The Village People's Y.M.C.A.

Christmas Lightsaber Battle
      A great corny joke.

Dave Barry Mentions Star Wars

- - - Lists - - -

Wookiee Nightmares
     Bubble gum....

Why the Empire Lost the War

Why C3-P0 Should be Admired

Top Ten Ways To Get Kicked Out of The Empire
     Maybe if the Empire had kept them, they would of won...

Why Did Anakin Skywalker Turn to the Dark Side?
      Better health insurance plan?

Fun Things To Do on Tatooine
     Fry mynock eggs on Old Ben's head?

Top Ten Reasons Not To Join The Empire
     Stormtroopers are picked for their common sense...

Top Ten Rejected Star Wars Novels
      Of course most of us are so obsessed we would buy them and read them anyway.

Oola's Hobbies

Foods in The Star Wars Universe
      Lando Lakes Butter...

Top Ten Moments Emperor Palpatine Wishes He'd Been There

Top Ten Hobbies of Darth Vader
      A Vader Sub on Rye...

How to Drive a SW Fan Crazy

Scenes Cut From The Original Trilogy
      ...or not...

Darth Vader's Top 10 Most Evil Deeds

The Classic Redneck Jedi
      Plus a few extras

What Clinton Would Say in Star Wars

You're Not a Star Wars Junkie Until...

Star Wars vs. Titanic
      If you haven't seen this yet, you must read it now!

The Later Years...
     What Should Have Happened To The Characters After The Movies...

Letterman Jokes
      Don't sue me, I didn't write them.

Humor Main