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Babylon 5 style computer viruses ========================== BABYLON 5 Computer Viruses that have been collected from the NET. ========================== Babylon 4 Virus: Disappears without a trace 24 hours after activation. Bester Virus: Runs the program you want before you can touch the keyboard. Changeling Net Virus: Can emulate any software, but quickly burns out your computer's power supply. Deathwalker Virus: A virus that makes an infected file undeleteable. Every time you try to delete an infected file, some other file gets deleted instead. Del Varner Virus: It mimics several other viruses, then self-destructs. Dr. Kyle Virus: Inspects other viruses, then turns into Stoned. Drazi Virus: Takes everything you type personally. Franklin Virus: Doesn't consider you competent enough to run your own programs, and will run what it thinks is for your own good. Gray Council Virus I: It draws holes in your graphics files. Grey Council Virus II: Positions itself to completely wipe out everything on your hard disk; at the last moment, it becomes benign and dormant. Grid Epsilon Irregular Virus: It swaps the index pointers between Imodium and Ex-lax. Home Guard Virus: Only infects non-humans' computers. Infection Virus: The longer it runs, the more powerful your computer becomes. Ironheart Virus: Turns your computer into a Cray. Ivanova Virus: Makes your computer feel like it's not performing up to your standards, then refuse to do anything it thinks it's being pressured to do. Ivanova Virius II: Does 15 different unpleasant things to your system before breakfast and hopes it offers resistance. Ivanova Virus III: makes long-distance phone calls via your modem, but quits whenever you run a security program. jms virus: Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. JMS Virus: Only infects files created by word processing (Works, Word, WordPerfect). Re-arranges the storylines to make them unbelievably complex and extremely entertaining. No known anti-viral agent known, but most researching the problem(?) could care less. J. Michael Straczinski, Executive Producer Virus I: Creates all the previously mentioned viruses and then answers all requests for data with "Wait and see". J. Michael Straczinski, Executive Producer Virus II: Occasionally causes an "*EEP*!" to appear on your terminal screen where you can't see it, while it's doing something wonderful. Knight Virus: Accuses you of treason, then destroys your hard drive trying to prove it. Ko'dath Virus: Appears briefly, and then is forced out the parallel port. Kosh Virus I: Yes. Kosh Virus II: Related to the Stoned virus. It will destroy files it thinks you're not ready for, makes your computer speak in riddles, and exiles any virus checkers that have examined it. ViCaR Virus: Subjects your computer to all sorts of confusing input, records the responses that show where it's most vulnerable, and passes the information on to the Kosh virus. Londo Virus I: A cute virus that turns your screen stunning shades of purple. Annoying because it borrows memory from other programs and never gives it back, but otherwise harmless. Londo Virus II: Viruses by the bushel, viruses by the score. It becomes one with the universe, and then passes out. Londo Virus III: Disassembles your computer and sells the pieces as "trinkets" on the internet. G'Kar Virus: Tries to link with other viruses and keeps getting rejected. Na'toth Virus: Seeks and destroys the Deathwalker Virus. Then will link up with the G'Kar virus and both will try to create general havoc with your system and then blame it all on the Londo virus. Mordren Virus: Won't go away until you tell it what you want. PsiCop Anti-Virus scanner: It knows about all the other viruses, but it isn't telling. Raider Virus: Waits until you leave the room, then steals your files. Shadow Virus: Tracks down the Raider virus, destroys it, and restores all the files it stole. Sinclair Virus: Takes total command of your system, but can't find 24K of its own code. Delenn Virus: Follows the Sinclair Virus around and kills it if it finds that missing 24K of code. Lennier Virus: Only follows the Delenn virus's orders. Minbari Virus I: Wipes out all files from the last 24 hours, then deletes itself. If your system has previously been infected by the Soul Hunter Virus, it will find the hidden files and delete them. Minbari Virus II: decides at the last moment *not* to infect your computer, but refuses to explain why. (Waitaminnit...what the hell am *I* doing contributing to this...?! jms) Soul Hunter Virus: Appears on your system whenever you try to delete a file. It grabs the file and puts it in a secret location on your hard drive with all the other files you thought you deleted. Sigma 9 Virus: It appears out of nowhere, knocks your computer off the desk, and you're left yelling, "What the hell was THAT?!" Takashima Virus I: Pretends to be a virus checker, but lets in other viruses intended to make the operating system look like a virus itself. Takashima Virus II: Won't allow access to your systems, until all incoming data is checked. It does, however, draw a nice fruit basket on your screen while you wait... Thenta Makur Virus I: Deletes a file every time you come within ten feet of your computer. Wipes your hard drive if you venture closer than five feet. Thenta Makur Virus II: You will know corruption, you will know deletion, and then, you will crash. Vir Virus: Claims to be the operating system, but only plays video games. Walker Smith Virus: Walks up to your virus checker, and they beat each other up for an hour or two. Uncle Usel Virus: Convinces your computer to spend three days mourning for every file you delete. (orso steven n) writes: Grey Council Virus: Positions itself to completely wipe out everything on your hard disk; at the last moment, it becomes benign and dormant. -- From miscellaneous others -- PTEN Virus: obviously trashes your clock, as all your programmes never run on time. (Also known in Australia as the Channel 10 Virus) Narn Virus: wages guerilla warfare with your files, impossible to fully remove once it installs itself. Kosh Virus: lurks in the background, does nothing until you attempt to do something of vital importance, then it does whatever it wants to. Morden Virus: What do you *WANT* it to do? or these patented virii killers: Londo Anti Virus: '.. virus, virus, if I were a virus, where would I be?..' Dr. Franklin's Anti Virus: fixes all Infection, except for the Markab Virus. Bester Anti Virus: randomly scans files looking for corruption. Control program wipes and reprogrammes them for it's own use. Small, but very powerful for its Psi's. Back


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