...Chick Shit for Chic Chicks! - 12/20/00 & 12/27/00

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Chick Shit for Chic Chicks

by Melissa Paternik

I completed my first full week of work at the go-go bar. I made $27.00 in tips for the whole week and I think that is pretty darn good.

I did have some small problems, though. The owner told me I had to start using the pole a bit more. The first time I tried to swing around on it, I slipped and fell into the audience. I think it might have been from the previous dancer because she seemed to act like she was making love to the pole and it seemed a bit slippery to me.

The good thing was that I made most of my tips that night. Some of the other girls were acting a bit jealous of me because they told me that they were sympathy tips.


Ralph has told me I dance really good, and since he is my husband, I know he wouldn't lie about something like that. I opened up a savings account so we could put money away for our new apartment. After buying Ralph some beer and some smokes, I have about $8.37 in the account. A couple more weeks of tips like I made last week and we will have our new place!

I am sorry if I haven't offered some feminine tips lately but with the GED and my new job, I have been a bit too busy. However, I have a tip for all the ladies today!

Ralph bought me some leather pants to wear to work. Since leather does not breathe, and I do not wear any panties, I noticed that I was starting to smell a bit down in my crotch area. I was also gently pulled aside and told the same thing at work by a nice girl.

I ran home that night, almost on the verge of tears. I explained my predicament to Ralph and he recommended that I duct tape one of those pine tree air fresheners to the inside of my pants!

Well, I did that and, I must say, I smell pine tree fresh! I have heard no more complaints from the other dancers since, and I have a feeling that it might be that jealousy thing again.

Oh, well, you can't win them all!

Next Week: I share my Christmas with you!

...Chick Shit for Chic Chicks! - Archive for 12/27/00

Chick Shit for Chic Chicks

by Melissa Paternik

Ralph and I had such a wonderful Christmas! Even though I had to work at the bar Christmas day, Ralph and some of his friends came down to visit. He told his friends not to tip me because it would like they were playing favorites, Ralph, bless his soul, also did not tip me the whole night because he was afraid his friends would feel obligated to tip me also.

The other girls had a very merry Christmas!!

I got Ralph a case of motor oil and a new Vise Grip. He has promised me many times that he would fix that old truck under our carport, but he has never gotten around to it because his tools are all rusted since he has to leave them outdoors all the time because we do not have a shed (hopefully, we can get one of those soon!) and there really isn't enough room in our trailer.

If he fixes the truck, then I wouldn't have to walk to work anymore. Walking 50 miles a week in tiny stiletto heels isn't helping my feet out! If he fixes the truck then I can take the drivers license test and drive to work. That would be so wonderful.

Ralph got me a 24 pack of toilet paper, and it was Charmin, the good kind! He also got me a new spatula since he had broken the last one over my head during one of his "blackout periods". I really look forward to flipping hamburger with my new utensil!

We had Hamburger Helper for Christmas Eve dinner and I threw in a couple of turkey wieners dogs to give it some added zest. We topped it off with some Pabst beer and some holiday Oreo's.

We are going to have a huge New Years Eve party and invite all of our neighbors. I am going to work double shifts the rest of this week so I can have lots of money to buy food and drink for everyone!

So long for now!

Next Week: Our New Years Eve party!

Look for a new Chick Shit for Chic Chicks, each and every Wednesday.

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