A Sick Puppy.com
I love the sick puppy! This puppy is so funny lookin' you just gotta see! |
The definitive lads site - jokes, blonde jokes, chat-up-lines, my life story, videos, mp3s, tricks, downloads,
Free stuff |
A surreal website for all of you who want to escape reality and
basically have a good laugh! How DAFT! |
Centre For the Easily Amused
Jokes, Games, Links...a good place to spend some time. |
Dento's Demented Story Page
Very Strange Stories, most are pretty funny. He has a story featured in Alarmingly Strange Stories. Click Here
to read. |
Farewell Mr. Clinton
Help be a part of history, post glowing comments and good wishes
in a gift book that will be presented to Mr. Clinton as a sad farewell. |
Greggs Homepage
Take a minute to peek into the life of some "good people." A funny thumbs up! |
Headline Humor
Hilarious real pictures from around the globe as well as other funny tidbits. |
Laugh-Central.com - Jokes so funny they'll make you wet yourself... |
Funny pictures, videos, sounds and files... All designed to make you laugh. |
The Mayberry
The front page of the newspaper in a humorous way! Plus Jokes! Free parking and never
a cover! |
Jack Mayberry
Comedius Erectus - The Web Site of a Professional Comedian. He was real nice and
linked to us without even asking for a return link! |
Olsen's Secret Society of Sweater Thieves
A handsome Internet News Letter. |
Jumbo Dump
Everything Entertainment! Commentaries on movies with a humor twist. I liked the X rated movie posters for movies
you'll never see. |
The Kicksite - Humor, nonsense and mayhem from the Netherlands! |
Link Portal from the Netherlands
The site with lots of HUMOR and Games. A fun place to go! |
Lucust & Bob Badger
The difinitive guide to insanity... in the extreme. Mad stories, pictures, jokes and loads more. They have a story
posted too - Click to read. |
Male Pig Magazine
Forget the pretty boy magazines..this site is for male pigs.
Do you smell something? It's probably us. |
Page Detective Stories
Really cool stories and funny stuff. His site deserves more traffic than
it gets. Dan Ericksson was the first person to submit a story to TheWeirdcrap.com when nobody else would! He's
posted a number of stories since and they among the best we have...hats off to Dan! |
Smiles and Grins
Funny site, featuring funny movies, hilarious jpegs, funny sounds, funny pranks and humor files, a webbified version
of mad libs and many more goodies |
If you want a library of funny messages and images to send to someones cell phone, this is the place for you! |
Hilarious Site with Cool Flash cartoons, videos, on line entertainment, and all sorts of fun stuff! |
Great Source for Humor links, Jokes (good ones) and cartoons. |