Deep Stuff That Requires Pondering

Here I hope to bring you an assortment of my inner feelings and thoughts upon various subjects. Stay tuned here for philosophy, morality, religion, and politics. This may become the most interesting part of the site.

Tim's Favorite Movies
Tim on Morality
Tim on Socialism
Tim on Religion
Why Tim Hates to Mow the Lawn
Tim on the Moral Construction of the Universe
Tim on the Argentine Junta's Crimes Against Humanity
Tim's Personality (down pending update)
The Universe's Conspiracy Against Tim

What Tim Learned About at the Governor's Scholars Program!



Title Main Genre Very Short Summary
God and the Socratic Sophist

Philosophical Fable

God attempts to tell The Way Things Really Are to an incorrigible human.  What wins out, God's infallibility or human fallibility?   Read and find out.
His Most Pious

Philosophical Fable

The Best Man In The World wakes up the day after Armageddon.   Shouldn't he be in Heaven right now?
I Once Had Wings


An angry story about the death of dreams.
Remember the Maine

Science Fiction
(WZ Universe)

A Terran ship is sent to re-open diplomatic relations with what remains of the Rasalhaguan Empire.  Little do they know that the Terran government has an ulterior motive.
Mental Trouble

Science Fiction

A ship full of... "interesting" people discover an ancient computer system.  Assuming they don't kill themselves first, that is.

Science Fiction
(WZ Universe)

Another new member for the Reaver Biological Collective... unwilling, yes, but joining none the less.

Science Fiction
(WZ Universe)

Disaster in the Thaurian Concordat spells doom for at least one of the major powers in the Weirdo Zone Universe...
A Moment of Insight

Modern Fiction

What happens in the War Room after New York is atomically dusted by terrorists.  Written pre 9/11.
Some Things Just Don't Get Along

Historical Fiction

A history assignment created a pretty decent short story.   Flappers,  fundamentalists, and gangsters with only one eyebrow!
Absolute Zero at Taco Bob


I worked at Taco Bob over the summer, and one day I discovered the conditions of Absolute Zero in the walk-in refridgerator.


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Mr. T, as you may know, has cancer.   However, Mr. T is helluva tough, tougher than cancer, and we here at the Weirdo Zone support his valiant (and hopefully victorious) battle against the ravages of that cursed disease.

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We will never forget,
Nor will we ever surrender.

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