Halloween 2001
The Party and the Night

October 30, 2001
Approximately 1945 hours

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All the senior freaks who graced the party with their presence.  A bunch of really great guys.

I was in the forward right corner of the formation, but, in case I didn't stand out enough, I've added an arrow that points towards me.

The winners of the 2001 Senior Halloween Party Contest!
From left to right...

Yours Truly, Most Original (it was never doubted)

The Crow, Scariest (someone did say Most Scary... hmm)

Dog-Losing Fat Guy, Funniest (guess where the dog is!)

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October 31, 2001
Approximately 1930 hours

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The setup my Mom and I used to pass out candy.  Mom was the giver, nice and happy (and human), enticing kids to come our way, and I'd play the dummy, coming up only when the kids were about two feet away collecting candy:

Them:     "Trick or treat!"
Me (through vocoder):  "By your command!"

The modified voice and the subtlety of my acting startled some kids.   One six (?) year old in a Power Ranger costume was totally freaked and wouldn't even come near us.  His mom (chuckling all the while) bodily protected her son from the "robot."  It was a sight to see through red-tinted visors.

Hmm... then again, with no exposed skin, I did look kinda fake...

No wonder I confused adults as much as I did kids.

Those adults who identified me as a Cylon got extra candy; not to mention that this is how we finally met our neighbors.

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There were less kids out this year, probably because of those anthrax and smallpox scares.

That dumb-ass Osama bin Laden... why'd he have to mess everything up for everybody?

Hmm... where's that Anti-Taliban Gauntlet?



If only it were that easy...

Another costume, another mission well done.   Here I am in a typically hammy "space pirate" pose.

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That's all that's left of the costume!  Go back to the projects page, foo'!