In the Battletech S/TS, a new story is born every day. Battles that will be sung about through the ages. Anecdotes about crazy Locust pilots, mischevious technicians, and babysitting royalty. Cautionary tales about poor country-boy Phoenix Hawk MechWarriors getting mugged by BattleMasters in blind alleys. And, lest we forget, raucous yarns about glorious victories and amazing happenings.
Here are a few of them.
The Trial of Position of
A heartwarming tale of the underdog coming from behind and kicking much... well... behind.
The Mountain Base of Tulagi
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Fighting in volcanic calderas has been linked to cancer,
sterility, and bad acne.
Fear the Waddling Torso!
Why... doesn't... it... just... DIE?!
Battle for Tulagi Spaceport
More ammunition explosions than you can shake an Atlas shard at.