WZES Extradimensional Exploration Division

     The Extradimensional Exploration Division is the segment of the WZES responsible for exploring those realms outside of the Weirdo Zone Time/Space Sphere.  Headquartered in Vladivostok, Asia, Earth (Sol III), the EED mans the pandimensional jump drives found on almost every WZ military vessel, operates pandimensional jump portals found on very well protected hyperspatial bases, supervises the pandimensional trade conducted by TME Industries, and, of course, sets up expeditionary missions into foreign universes to study and research the inhabitants.

    A very secretive organization, the EED has far higher standards of recruitment than any other branch of the federal services.  The personnel of the EED are extremely professional and dedicated in their duties and are probably the most trustworthy group of sentients in the Weirdo Zone.  Considering that, in addition to their exploration activities, they are also dedicated to the protection of the Weirdo Zone both from extradimensional threats as well as from alteration of the timeline the beings of the EED have to be trustworthy.


The Continuum
The Continuum is the ethereal space in which all of the infinite Dimensions lie. More of a theoretical construct than a proven reality, the Continuum is made of free-floating graviton particles (which do not bind to dimensional planes according to string theory) and therefore acts as a mediator between seperate Dimensions.
Dimensions are planes of reality with the same physical principles. Alternate dimensions are planes of reality with similar physical principles that only differ slightly in scope or effect. Highly "magical" dimensions are alternate dimensions to our own with some individual properties unexplainable by our local physics. Parallel dimensions are dimensions which relate to other dimensions but have extremely different physical principles (i.e. hyperspace, subspace, or warp space to realspace).
Universes are the local areas in each dimension and considered a closed system. There are an infinite number of universes in each dimension. The only way to traverse between universes is through a TransDimensional Jump Portal. Alternate universes are universes with a similar basis (the existence of Humans and other related species, the positions of stars) but different facts (Earth was destroyed, Earth conquered all, etc.). Parallel universes are identical in every which way. It is possible that the Weirdo Zone will encounter another identical Weirdo Zone, and it is statistically certain that this has already happened with two other extrauniversal Weirdo Zones.
Timelines are the quantum substrata of universes created by the passage of time and the effects of events. There are an infinite number of timelines due to the fact that in the history of a universe there an infinite number of decisions, even the smallest of which will eventually have universal impact thanks to chaos theory. Time travel is actually travel backwards in a single timeline, but doing something in the past (i.e. saving Hiroshima, making sure Humanity never evolves, teaching Neanderthals to shoot rifles) does not change the traveller's timeline. It instead creates an alternate timeline that extends from the point of change. When the traveller returns to the "present" and finds it screwed up it is because he hasn't switched timelines back to his own. It is possible to go to the future, but it is inordinately flawed because it is the future without the existance of the time traveller (from the point he left). The time traveller could then skip to a timeline where he does exist, but there is no guarantee that he is the same person or even made the same decisions. Traveling into the future is confusing and not recommended. However, this construction of timeline theory eliminates a great deal of the infamous "time-travel paradoxes" that amused our ancestors. One cannot go into the past and become their own great-grandfather. The best way to create a paradox is to go back in time, send your past self futher into the past to change what a even further-back past self does, then bring your past self back to his present and introduce yourself to yourself, then beaming away in shimmering light after giving some cryptic message. This forces the past self to do this when he's your age, and on endlessly while you go back to your timeline and laugh it up. Time travel paradoxes are extremely confusing and especially not recommended for the slow-minded.


Ephemeral S/TS - An energy dimension unrelated to any other known. Its inhabitants have been dubbed the Ephemerans. They are occasionally capable of manifesting themselves in other dimensions, but this is difficult for them. They are extremely knowledgable and find material universes intriguing. An active information exchange program is in effect with them.

Warhammer 40,000 (WH40K) S/TS - A degraded alternate universe made up of various empires stagnated in war. The Weirdo Zone has set up a seven star-system fiefdom in the Human-dominated Imperium. The technology of this Sphere is antiquated and poorly understood by its inhabitants. The Weirdo Zone is involved in a complex experiment to stabilize this universe before it is utterly consumed by its short-sighted inhabitants.

Chaos S/TS - An energy dimension parallel to the WH40K S/TS. The inhabitants, known as Daemons, often manifest themselves in the WH40K universe as beings of evil. The Weirdo Zone has sent various punitive raids to this dimension. Although the Daemons are fearsome, they are not inordinately difficult enemies. Technology is nonexistant in this S/TS. What few friendly contacts we have there we use for expansive information on the WH40K universe.

Battletech S/TS - An alternate universe that is also made up of combatting states but is far less stagnated. The Weirdo Zone has set up bases in the area known as the Periphery and is observing the power struggles that consume this S/TS with interest. Advanced history projections suggest that this S/TS will pacify itself in time. TME Industries makes a handsome profit from this S/TS with its sales of military goods. Their technology is by no means as advanced as ours but shows signs of improvement. TME Industries currently has good relations with all of the political powers of this area, an amazing feat brought along by its free-trade selling practices. House Steiner is most cordial with us.

Star Trek S/TS - An alternate universe very similar to our own, but on a smaller scale. The Weirdo Zone has active bases in the irradiated core of this S/TS's main galaxy. We currently have cordial relations with the United Federation of Planets (an organization very similar to the Weirdo Zone) and friendly relations with the Klingon Empire. The Borg, considered a primary threat by the locals, are an occasional nuisance and completely unreceptive to diplomacy. The Cardassian and Romulan Empires know of our existence but have not formalized relations. The Dominion is a belligerent state we don't care to speak with. TME Industries is profiting from selling non-military consumer goods. This universe's technology, although quite advanced, still pales to our own. Space travel is dominated by subspace warp drives, limiting the major inhabitants to small sections of a single galaxy. Quantized antimatter torpedoes are their most powerful weapons, and their transdimensional capability is limited to time travel.

Star Wars S/TS - An alternate universe in an alternate dimension. In this dimension, fields truly are fields. The most powerful is the Force, some sort of energy field that influences the events of this universe. Although interesting, this universe's technology is rather poor (excluding their hyperspace drives, which have given them control of a galaxy). Many WZES personnel have wagers on who would win in a fight--the Star Trek S/TS or the Star Wars S/TS. Star Trek has the advantage in weaponry, shielding, and equipment but Star Wars has the upper end in mobility and often has larger ships. After commandeering a very, very advanced and specialized history analysis computer, the odds are 5 2/3 to 1, Star Trek's favor (85% chance of victory).

Null Space S/TS - An alternate dimension completely devoid of matter, energy, or time. Null Space is as empty as empty gets. The Weirdo Zone uses it for storage. Null Space parking garages are gaining popularity in urban areas.

Doppelganger S/TS - The most ambitious project ever undertaken by the Weirdo Zone, the Doppelganger S/TS is a joint venture between the Weirdo Zone and the Ephemerans. The Doppelganger S/TS is a "decoy" universe exactly parallel to the Weirdo Zone, identical in transdimensional scans. However, the Doppelganger S/TS is made of strange matter, highly reactive energy that collects and acts like real matter. When real matter (i.e. from an extradimensional invasion force) enters the Doppelganger S/TS, it will be instantaneously strange-ized into strange matter (which is exceedingly detrimental to men and materiel). The pandimensional coordinates of the Weirdo Zone and the Doppelganger S/TS are very, very close and will get closer the better Weirdo Zone portals get.

Weirdo Zone Public Relations Office netdoc WZ.1278.288.21.767
Published 12.20.3001

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