The Weirdo Zone Universe

     The Weirdo Zone is a pangalactic empire that I, with the power of human imagination, made up. Created when I was in sixth grade, it just sort of stuck and grew. The name aside, it is actually quite an interesting science-fiction universe with roots in Battletech, Starship Troopers, and various other science-fiction standbys. In this section of my website I shall share portions of my universe with you on a regular basis. If you don't care for the petty wanderings of my mind and prefer to see some real content, the more meaty stuff may be found in the Wargames and Deep Stuff sections.

     Stay tuned for more information.


General Overview of the Weirdo Zone
General Overview of the Reaver Biological Collective
General Overview of the Thaurian Concordat
General Overview of Third-Party Powers

Weirdo Zone History

Weirdo Zone Culture and Technology Rating System (CTRS)


Weirdo Zone Government
Major Political Parties
Taxation Policy


Weirdo Zone Military Services
Weirdo Zone Weapons Technology
Weirdo Zone Military Technology
Weirdo Zone Services Uniform

The Tiamat Project

Weirdo Zone Army
Weirdo Zone Infantry Forces
Weirdo Zone Armor Forces
Weirdo Zone Artillery Forces
Weirdo Zone Mechanized Forces
Notable Army Operations

Weirdo Zone Navy
Large Combat Vessels
Medium Combat Vessels
Small Combat Vessels
Notable Naval Operations

Weirdo Zone Exploratory Services
Galactic Exploration Division
Detailed Survey Division
Cultural Analysis Division
Extradimenisonal Exploration Division

Weirdo Zone Internal Security Services
Notable Declassified ISS Operations


Species of the Weirdo Zone

Phenotypes of the RBC
Reaver Mind Parasites

Psionic Instrumentality

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