Large Combat Vessels of the WZ Navy

    These warships are the largest of their kind in the Weirdo Zone and the most powerful known anywhere.  They can easily engage fleets of smaller or less advanced vessels and easily survive.  Their shielding rivals that of some of the most fortified planets and the sheer mass of their firepower makes them terrible foes.


Ares-class Superbattleship

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Length: 3 km Shield Power: 3.6T/sec 1 Gauss-Fusion Cutting Beam
6 [1.4T] terablazers
8 [5.3G] gigablazers
40 [100.5M] megablazers
300 [573K] heavy blazers
1000 medium blazers
500 singuarity torp launchers
1000 icosamissile pods
50 FAUST cruise missile tubes
Crew: 15,000 Turn Radius: 90°/sec
Troops:  1 RCT Hull Strength: 10m, 2.4T/sec
Fighters:  144 Construction Code:  SBS

   The Ares-class superbattleship is the most advanced weapon of destruction in the Weirdo Zone arsenal.  Based on the older Sagittarius-class superbattleship hull, the Ares was created in 2998 from the intact portions of the WZS-SBS Sagittarius lost in action.  The hull was made more compact into a dedicated warship with improved automation and command-control systems.  Most of the structural integrity, shielding, and engine components are shared with the larger Sagittarius and are far more efficient due to the Ares' smaller size.  The Ares carries two wings of fighters for defense as well as a fully operational Army Regimental Combat Team for assaulting enemy worlds.


Sagittarius-class Superbattleship

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Length: 5 km Shield Power: 2.3T/sec 1 Gauss-Fusion Cutting Beam
2 [1.1T] terablazers
8 [4.5G] gigablazers
30 [90.2M] megablazers
200 [573K] heavy blazers
1000 medium blazers
400 singuarity torp launchers
500 icosamissile pods
50 FAUST cruise missile tubes
Crew: 15,000
Science: 15,000
Turn Radius: 45°/sec
Troops:  1 RCT Hull Strength: 9m, 2.0T/sec
Fighters:  72 Construction Code:  SBS

   The Sagittarius-class was the Weirdo Zone's first true superbattleship.  Commissioned in 2971, the Sagittarius superbattleships led the charge into Reaver space and easily defeated all opposition.  Only one vessel of its class, the first-run WZS-SBS Sagittarius, was lost in action against enemy forces.   The WZS-SBS Sagittarius was rendered inoperable by an experimental Reaver terror weapon which the intrepid crew of the Sagittarius managed to disable anyway.  The structurally sound hull was returned to drydock and extensively modified to create the Ares-class.   The Sagittarius was intended to be a multirole craft and so carried a large complement of civilian and WZES scientists.  A wing of fighters and a regimental combat team rounded out its offensive potential.


Supreme Emperor-class Battleship

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Length: 1.5 km Shield Power: 2.0T/sec 1 [1.4T] terablazer
6 [5.3G] gigablazers
20 [100.5M] megablazers
100 [573K] heavy blazers
500 medium blazers
250 singuarity torp launchers
500 icosamissile pods
12 FAUST cruise missile tubes
Crew: 7,000 Turn Radius: 60°/sec
Troops:  1 Company Hull Strength: 8m, 1.6T/sec
Fighters:  72 Construction Code:  MBS

   The Supreme Emperor-class battleship has served the Weirdo Zone since 2892 and has been periodically updated ever since.  The upgrade of 2999 brought it up to speed with the most powerful weapons it could hold; it is an effective warship with a mix of speed and firepower that has brought it many glorious victories.


Weirdo Zone-class Heavy Battleship

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Length: 900m Shield Power: 3.0T/sec 1 Gauss-Fusion Cutting Beam
6 [1.1T] terablazers
10 [4.5G] gigablazers
10 [90.2M] megablazers
400 [573K] heavy blazers
400 medium blazers
100 singuarity torp launchers
500 icosamissile pods
18 meidum cruise missile tubes
Crew: 5,000 Turn Radius: 50°/sec
Troops:  1 Company Hull Strength: 5m, 1.0T/sec
Fighters:  72 Construction Code:  HBS

   The Weirdo Zone-class heavy battleship is an oddity considering how it is actually smaller than the Supreme Emperor-class medium battleship.  The Weirdo Zone has held on to its heavy reputation because of its top-heavy arsenal.  It can cycle through its terablazers at one every ten seconds and use its massive firepower to put larger ships to shame.  It is somewhat unwieldy but still a very powerful vessel.

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