Small Combat Vessels of the WZ Navy

    These light capital ships are the mainstay of Fleet reconnaissance and small Rapid Response Task Forces.  Although too light to cause great harm to heavier capital ships on a 1:1 basis, they are more than adequate to serve in screening, patrol, and perimeter defense duties.


Falconer-class Fighter Carrier Frigate

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Length: 220m Shield Power: 300M/sec 10 [573K] heavy blazers
50 medium blazers
10 icosamissile pods
Crew: 200 Turn Radius: 100°/sec
Troops:  1 Platoon Hull Strength: 1.5m, 200M/sec
Fighters: 72 Construction Code:  FCF

    The Falconer-class fighter carrier frigate is designed to provide fire support for light RRTFs.  A mediocre combatant, its weapons are geared primarily towards anti-fighter defense.  Despite its inherent drawbacks, the wing of fighters deployed by the Falconer can be a highly effective fighting force.


Victor-class Marine Frigate

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Length: 200m Shield Power: 500M/sec 2 [2.3M] megablazers
10 [573K] heavy blazers
30 medium blazers
2 singuarity torp launchers
10 icosamissile pods
Crew: 200 Turn Radius: 180°/sec
Troops:  1 RCT Hull Strength: 2.0m, 400M/sec
Fighters: 6 Construction Code:  MFG

    The Victor-class is a successful marine transport and light combat vessel.  Dubbed the "sardine can" due to its relatively spartan accomodations, the Victor nevertheless has the ability to transport a full regiment to wherever it needs to be safely and quickly.


Pugilist-class Combat Frigate

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Length: 160m Shield Power: 400M/sec 4 [50.2] megablazers
15 [573K] heavy blazers
20 medium blazers
4 singularity torpedo launchers
4 icosamissile pods
Crew: 160 Turn Radius: 180°/sec
Troops:  1 Platoon Hull Strength: 1.7m, 250M/sec
Fighters: support Construction Code:  CFG

    The Pugilist-class is the premier choice for attendant vessels in heavy or medium combat squadrons.  Able to support heavier vessels with its maneuverability and firepower, the Pugilist is a top-rate light capital ship.


Fusilier-class Fire Support Frigate

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Length: 150m Shield Power: 200M/sec 5 [2.3M] megablazers
20 medium blazers
44 singularity torpedo launchers
6 icosamissile pods
2 FAUST cruise missile tubes
20 light cruise missile tubes
Crew: 320 Turn Radius: 100°/sec
Troops:  security Hull Strength: 1m, 100M/sec
Fighters: support Construction Code:  FSF

    The Fusilier-class can change the tide of battle from afar with its massive broadsides of megablazers, singularity torpedoes, and cruise missiles but is too fragile to take place in the middle of fleet actions.


Pobyeda-class Combat Destroyer

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Length: 120m Shield Power: 400M/sec 2 [10.3M] megablazers
3 [300K] heavy blazers
22 medium blazers
8 missile tubes
3 singularity torpedo launchers
Crew: 100 Turn Radius: 150°/sec
Troops:  2 Squads Hull Strength: 1.5m, 200M/sec
Fighters: support Construction Code:  CDT

    The Pobyeda-class combat destroyer is an ancient hull hailing from the Panasian Communist Bloc space navy of the Terran pre-2100 period, even before the Terran Dominion was founded.  Its sturdy modular hull was conducive to upgrades and so has kept it alive through nearly a millenium of service.  It is a powerful light vessel.


Democracy-class Destroyer Escort Carrier

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Length: 120m Shield Power: 100M/sec 2 [300K] heavy blazers
12 medium blazers
Crew: 75 Turn Radius: 150°/sec
Troops:  security Hull Strength: .5m, 50M/sec
Fighters: 36 Construction Code:  DEC

    The Democracy-class carrier is a contemperary of the Pobyeda class and serves in most planetary defense fleets and reconnaissance task forces.


Oblique-class Scout Destroyer

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Length: 100m Shield Power: 200M/sec 4 [300K] heavy blazers
4 medium blazers
6 singularity torpedo launchers
Crew: 50 Turn Radius: 180°/sec
Troops:  security Hull Strength: 1m, 100M/sec
Fighters: support Construction Code:  SCD

    The Oblique-class is the WZ Navy's stand-alone scout vessel.  Equipped with classified stealth and sensor equipment, the Oblique can easily infiltrate enemy space on information gathering missions.  Its sensors can get detailed scans of objects and worlds 200 light years away through a novel and highly classified approach.


Wildcat-class Interceptor

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Length: 60m Shield Power: 500M/sec 2 [100.0M] megablazers
4 [700K] heavy blazers
8 medium blazers
3 singularity torpedo launchers
Crew: 5 Turn Radius: 270°/sec
Troops:  security Hull Strength: 1.5m, 200M/sec
Fighters: support Construction Code:  INT

    The Wildcat-class interceptor is a marvel of modern small-craft engineering.  Using the same inverse-proportion theory as the Ares-class superbattleship, the Wildcat mounts capital-ship class systems in a smaller frame, inventing a very effective patrol, interception, and interdiction vessel.   Equipped with the latest in stealth and electronic warfare technologies, Wildcats are a match for any heavy cruiser anywhere.

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