Reaver Phenotype Briefing

Day 1 of Combat Information Training

Lecture by Senior Master Sergeant Daniel "Deathlord" Klipswrin, Training Command

    "Listen up, recruits. This briefing is to prepare you for the enemy you'll most commonly 'interact' with--the various kinds of Reavers. You probably know some basics about these lizards, but we're going to give you the detailed information you need to identify and destroy whatever you meet. The lizards are listed in order of tactical importance--if nothing else, remember the ones on the top of the list, so you'll know to shoot 'em.
    "Now for my one-minute science lecture. The scientist-types in MilIntel call these freaks of nature 'phenotypes.' Do any of you greenies know what 'phenotype' means? Can any of you even pronounce 'phenotype?' Eh, schools today are doing just as poorly as they were when I was a kid. Sad. A phenotype is any organism that has, roughly, the same genetic code as another yet has a radical variation in appearance. It's like redheads and brunettes, or white people and black people--essentially the same but they look different. Reaver Phenotypes are exactly like this, taken to the extreme. This'll boggle you, but all of these Scalies have the dame DNA. Counterintuitive, isn't it? The thing is that these phenotypes only have certain sections of DNA turned on. Workers have every possible testosterone and muscle gene turned on and all the thinking genes off. This wouldn't work with Technicians, who have every possible wiry-build and dexterity gene as well as complex spatial reasoning genes turned on. They even have a midget gene turned on so they fit into tighter spaces.
    "Hey you, the Volanti punk who's probably learned most of cellular biology by now and so is extremely bored by my interesting and informative lecture, wake up! Now for the fun stuff...

Mind Queen

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    The Mind Queen is the dominant phenotype of the Reaver Biological Collective. Mind Queens are always female (hence the name) and are primarily responsible for commanding and expanding the RBC. They are the only phenotype which can procreate new Queens and Warriors, the two phenotypes absolutely necessary for the RBC's existence and expansion.
    The average Mind Queen usually stands about 3.5 - 4 meters tall. She has a thick, scaly hide which is usually purple with yellow highlights. Brown and red coloration, although less prevalant, is by no means rare. Her eye sockets have noticable points to them, distinguishing them from the sockets of other phenotypes. She has four nostrils that lead to a relatively small nasal cavity, the centerpiece of which is a Jacobsens organ capable of detecting heat. Some Queens have only three nostrils, an innocuous genetic defect. The large braincase is protected by bony yellow plates that begin between the eyes and create a characteristic ridge that runs up her forehead and ends just behind the top of the head. Similar bony plates protect her backside. She has two long arms protruding from her shoulders that end in hands of five fingers and an opposable thumb. The central arm extending from between the shoulderblades is extremely muscular and capable of near 180° movement. The hand of the central arm has three thick, powerful fingers that are all mutually opposing. She has three radially symmetrical legs, wide and muscular to support her mass, ending in prehensile feet with five straight toes and one opposable toe, except for the rear leg, which has six nonopposable toes. The ends of the fingers and toes are akin to claws, and while sharp, are also quite pliable, making her digits much more dextrous than would be expected.
    Mind Queens often wear flowing robes of varying colors as a notation of status. The relatively small robes of the pictured Mind Queen shows her to be a low-ranking world Queen with few resources and little territory to her name.
    Psychologically, there are two kinds of Mind Queen: Misguided and Miswired. Misguided Queens have been duped, born, or drugged into buying into the Reaver "worship-the-High-Mind-Empress" system. They are usually militarily conservative and more willing to negotiate. They aren't obnoxious and don't see themselves as goddesses-incarnate. Miswired Queens are the type we like to capitalize on in propaganda. They're the old Queens who have no respect for anything under them, which is everything except higher Mind Queens. They're fanatical, militarily insane, and extremely dangerous to meet in person. The closer we get to the Reaver homeworld, the more Miswired Queens we'll meet. Keep your eyes peeled. If she isn't belligerent, force her to surrender. If she's charging with a glazed look in her eyes, get out of the way and vape her.

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    Warriors are the fighters of the RBC. You will see these in every campaign against the Reavers you fight. They are the shock troops, the infantry forces, the security details. Anything even remotely combat-concerned will have its fair share of Warriors. They propagate either through Mind Queens or, in times of desperation, parthenogenesis. Parthenogenetic reproduction tends to damage the complex Reaver genetic code and cause Warriors to have dehabilitating physical and mental defects around the third generation.
    Warriors stand about 2 meters tall even when extremely hunched over. Their legs are turned 180° to standard Reaver configuration, meaning they have a front leg and two rear legs. They can stand on their rear legs, pop the joints, bring their front leg up to their chest and quickly run bipedally. When standing up like this they are about 2.2 meters tall. Warriors have blue plates for skin. These interlocking plates are still quite supple and are very strong for biological armor. Variation in coloring ranges mostly in shade, from light sky blue to dark cornflower blue.. Warriors have three nostrils on their reptilian head that lead to a large nasal cavity and a very sensitive heat-detecting organ. Their torsos are better armored than other Reavers, giving them a roach-like appearance. Their manipulator arms have spiky forearms and end in three fingered hands with an opposable thumb. Their lifting arm has no spikes but ends in a hand of three bony, mutually opposing claws. The feet are made up of three mutually opposing toes. The fingers and toes end in sharp, bony talons.
    Warriors usually wear light combat armor made up of armored plates strapped on to their flesh. The metal they use isn't much better than their natural armor, but it helps. They wear shallow helmets with long, transparent metal visors to protect their heads. The orange-glowing hemisphere they wear behind their central arm is a low-yield energy shield generator. Elite warriors often wear a bright cloth sash over their shoulders. Warriors are armed with energized melee weapons and graviton rifles or pistols, but will fight with teeth, hands, claws and feet if pressed. Try not to get too close to them--they are naturally stronger than a Human in MPCA. If they do get close, uppercut them with your energized battle fists through the center of their torsos up to the base of their neck. That usually creams their innards enough that they cease to be a threat.
    Psychologically, all Warriors are logical fanatics. Left to their own ends they are willing and would be proud to die for the Collective but will not commit virtual suicide. They die only when their death could be beneficial to the cause. This becomes less and less the case as Mind Queens urge them on to suicidal charges. Try to take them at range. If they stumble around as if drunk, capture them. Their psychic link to the Collective has been disrupted (usually by the death of their Queen), making them a minimal threat.

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    Technicians are the fine-detail workers of the RBC. Highly intelligent and devious, they are all proficient scavengers and jury-riggers. Like the other lower castes, they come in male and female genders (unlike the totally female Mind Queen caste and the genetically male but physically androgenous Warrior caste) and reproduce sexually. The females of lower castes lay small numbers of eggs; technician eggs are usually a beige ovoid about the size of a small eggplant with a leathery texture. Sexual reproduction maintains their genetic diversity without the attention of a Mind Queen, but the expansive Reaver genome causes populations of less than 150 pairs to inbreed with disasterous consequences over the generations.
    Technicians rarely grow over 1 meter in height. If they stretch out their long legs, they can stand 1.5 meters tall. They are very lightly built, with tightly-stretched skin that varies from dull eggshell yellow to bright lemon in color. Bright orange or green plates protect their front torsos from steam, electrical arcs, and other mechanical or electronic dangers. Their long, thin limbs are perfect for crawling and reaching around in tight places. The arms that extend from their shoulders are about .7 meters long and end in a five-fingered hand with an opposable thumb. Unlike most other phenotypes, the Technician's central arm is identical to the shoulder arms, except that the hand has four fingers and two thumbs. A Technician's feet are each made up of four toes with two opposable toes. Technicians have three nostrils on their snouts that lead to intricate sensing organs that can detect electromagnetic variations in the area around them. This makes it easier for them to trace intricate electronics.
    Technicians wear long loincloths for ceremonial occasions, but usually only wear briefs (or nothing) when at work. Sexuality is a minimal concern among Reavers, so such skimpy (or nonexistent) attire is commonplace. Technicians are often equipped with self-made tool harnesses made of discarded material. The better the Technician, the more intricate and better designed the harness.
    Technicians are crafty and generally timid. They are a minor threat in combat, but their EM sensing capabilities make them dangerous to the modern power-armored trooper. In shooting-range tests, Technicians have superb aim but are often too distracted in combat to take the time to aim, making them generally poor shots. Eliminate any Technicians in sniper positions, however. Technicians are horrid in hand-to-hand combat, although surprisingly strong for their small, wiry frame. It is not suggested to take them if unarmored but they will quickly acquiesce to power-armored troopers. Always look after them; they are very sneaky and can escape easily.
    If Warrior commanders fall in battle, Technicians are often appointed in their place as tacticians. Although their tactics are more conventional and predictable than your average Warrior commander, they are still rather effective. Eliminate any Technicians that seem to be engaging in command and control duties.

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    The Pilot phenotype is the RBC's vehicle, fighter, and space vessel operator class. They are very rarely seen in the field as they are hidden behind the tanks, walkers, and planes they operate. They seem to be a cross-breed between Warriors and Technicians, adept at piloting but poor in fighting. They are genetically-male neuters produced by Mind Queens.
    A Pilot shares the blue-toned plate armor of a Warrior and the 1 meter tall stature of a Technician. Its head is dominated by its large, bulbous eyes which contort its brain into a strange shape. The visual cortex of the brain is wedged between the eyes sockets while the rest of the brain lies in the torso just in front of the central arm. A nerve ganglion passes through the top the neck to connect the two. The Pilot's cerebellum is extremely large and intricate, giving the Pilot exceptional balance and coordination. All of the pilot's arms are manipulators, sharing the Technician's arrangement (shoulder arms: 5 fingers 1 thumb, central arm: 4 fingers 2 thumbs). The feet are rudimentarily prehensile, curling up to operate throttles. In a departure from biology-based systems, the Pilot has an electrical cyber implant at the base of its neck. This implant allows the Pilot to interface more efficiently with his machine, much like the feedback helmets our Panzermensch pilots and tank crews use except much more invasive.
    A Pilot is as brave as a Warrior but has the common-sense of a Technician. Although better in hand-to-hand than Technicians, their giant eyes are a liability. If ever in non-vehicular combat, they will probably acting as snipers. Pilot snipers are extremely dangerous. Either eliminate them or avoid them, depending on the situation. A sniper Pilot is actually more important tactically than a Technician, but most Pilots seen on the battlefield have escaped the wreckage of their vehicles and are more dazed than dangerous. They will resist capture but cannot make much resistance due to their small size (nothing resists too well if picked up off of the ground and held there).

Thinker (Brain)
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    Why the Brain phenotype was named that is obvious. This phenotype is only slightly taller than a Warrior but has a braincase the size of a Queen's. Their duties never really go past thinking and designing equipment. They reproduce sexually; females lay large reddish eggs with a shiny and smooth exterior.
    Thinkers stand 2.2 meters tall, with a more erect stance than other castes. Thinkers seem to have more activated Human genes than any other phenotype. This is appearant by the shape of the skull, lack of a Jacobsen's organ, and the shape of the limbs, the feet in particular. The average Brain has moderately-built arms extending from its shoulders that end in a five-fingered hand with an opposable thumb. The central lifting arm is poorly built (relatively) and ends in three mutually-opposing fingers. The Thinker has Human-like skin that ranges from grass green to olive drab and yellow-orange plates protecting their torsos and brainpans. Some earlier (i.e. older) Brains have skin colorations that match Human colorations. As said earlier, the Thinker's skull looks like an upsized distortion of a Human skull. The eyes are forward set but still bulbous; there are two nostrils that lead to a small naval cavity with no energy sensing organ; the jaw is much smaller and the Thinker's lips are more mobile than other Reavers'.
    Brains wear long loincloths like Technicians. They are often covered in paint smears or pencil grease from their furious creativity. A common fad among Brains is wearing a sort of bandolier that supports, among other things, a notepad, pencils, palm-computers and various other things.
    Psychologically, Brains are concerned only with their own protection. They will shoot while retreating but will quickly surrender if captured. It is believed that Brains are much more psychic than other phenotypes and it is suggested that psychic-dampening bands be placed on captured Thinkers. They are a minimal threat on the field and do not require the infantryman's attention, but Military Command has requested that as many Brains as possible be captured. Capture if you can, but don't risk yourself too much over it.

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    Workers are the bottom rung of Reaver society, lacking even basic sentience. They are used for repetitive, heavy lifting chores that are beneath other castes and not worth robots. They reproduce sexually; females lay round ball-like blue eggs.
    Workers are the most muscular caste. They are as tall as the average Human, but stand on three stocky, well-built legs. The legs have two-toed feet with thickly-callused soles and horny red or yellow toenails. All three of a Worker's arms are powerful lifting arms that end in three thick fingers with yellowish claws. These claws are useless against armored troopers as they are only as hard as fingernails. However, they are dangerous against unarmored targets. A Warrior has a low-slung head with two large nostrils and smallish eyes. The nasal cavity contains no energy sensing organs but still takes up most of the head. Workers range from blood to iron red in color, and their armor plates are usually a shade of brown.
    Workers are no threat whatsoever if they are simply ignored. They are naturally timid but fight fiercely if pressed. The best strategy is to wait until the end of the battle and then round up Workers with kind words. They are about as intelligent as a domesticated dog and respond about the same way to stimuli. If fed, they will quickly bond to whomever feeds them. This has caused the strange situation of some troopers accidentally 'adopting' a Worker for a pet. The emotional attachment can be quite strong, equal to the "a man and his dog" feeling. Workers adopted this way often become mascots of platoons and batallions.

Weirdo Zone Military Services: Training Command netdoc 341.06.291
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