The Tiamat Project

    "The Tiamat Project was a direct result of our forays into pandimensional technology.  We discovered that if the Weirdo Zone could potentially invade extradimensional powers, then extradimensional powers could invade us.
    "Our passive, unclassified defense was the Doppelganger S/TS created with the help of the Ephemerians.  This could protect us from enemies with less advanced equipment, but we still needed a defense, a deterrent, against theoretical powers with superior pandimensional technology.  The result was Tiamat, a superweapon of such devastation that it was kept secret from the citizens of the Weirdo Zone for three years.  During that time, not even the Fleet Admirals of the Navy nor the Major Generals of the Army knew of this project; it was known only to the Supreme Emperor; the scientists working on the project; and a very small part of the Weirdo Zone Internal Security Services, Military Intelligence Division.  It is only now being openly declared as an appropriate deterrent to those who would attack us."

    --Supreme Emperor Timothy Cooper at the unveiling of the Tiamat Project (November 24, 3001)

    Tiamat is a deceptively simple weapon.  All it requires is a FAUST-class heavy cruise missile that has all of its equipment stripped out and replaced with a rudimentary pandimensional jump drive and one thousand singularity torpedo warheads.  There are three levels of Tiamat usage, in ascending order:   Interdictus, Annihilatus, and Ad Infinitus.  All Tiamat usage requires a unanimous vote in the Legislative Unit, as well as unanimous support in the High Tribunal and the entire Executive Cabinet.


    Exemplum-level usage launches the Tiamat missile directly into the central black hole of a single galaxy, where it is then detonated.   The combined effect of the thousand singularity warheads rips apart the black hole, causing it to release explosively all of the energy that it has absorbed over its billions of years of existence.  This outburst is so energentic that it leaves the normal EM spectrum behind and goes hyperspatial with an inverse masswave--as there are mass shadows of realspace objects in hyperspace, Tiamat Exemplum causes a realspace mass wave of energy in hyperspace.  This masswave moves several billion times the speed of light, and is therefore, in Einsteinian relativistics, moving backwards in time and infinitely massive.   This masswave destroys anything in its path, detonating any more black holes it encounters along the way, and can destroy a typical spiral galaxy in its entirety in under five minutes.  It has an effective kill radius of a hundred thousand light-years and is unstoppable by any known methods.
    The resulting hyperspatial turbulence should make all hyperspace travel in the target Universe impossible for a millenium; warp drives, IID technology, and basic space-fold drives should still work effectively.

    Tiamat Exemplum would be used for "tactical" pandimensional strikes; eliminating only one troublesome enemy galaxy.  It would also be used for its interdictory applications by screwing up hyperspace for a tremendous amount of time.


    Annihilatus-level usage is a fullout pandimensional strike against an opposing universe.  Multiple galaxies would be destroyed and the universe's accompanying hyperspace would be totally torn to shreds.  Annihilatus would be used to "strategically destroy" entire extradimensional multigalactic empires.


    Ad Infinitus-level usage is authorized only after the destruction of the Weirdo Zone by an extradimensional power; this has been ratified by the requirements above and must be renewed with each new legislature, new judiciary, and new executive administration.  Tiamat Ad Infinitus would actually go back to a nanosecond after the opposing Universe's Big Bang and detonate, thus throwing off the expanding universe's energy/mass distribution and causing it to evolve entirely differently if not causing it to collapse back in upon itself.  This would arguably save the Weirdo Zone by destroying the Universe responsible for its destruction before it even existed.   No moral stigma would exist because the saved Weirdo Zone would not be responsible for its own salvation and the destruction of untold numbers of sentients--Tiamat Ad Infinitus would be the final, albiet disgraceful, act of a Weirdo Zone that would already be dead.

    However, it is not known whether Ad Infinitus would throw the saved Weirdo Zone into a temporal causality loop; it is also not known if Tiamat Ad Infinitus has already been done.

    It is hoped that Tiamat will never be used.  However, if it must be done, it will be done.

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