Weirdo Zone Service Uniform

tmbwzuniform.jpg (9440 bytes)    All of the Weirdo Zone services (Military, Internal Intelligence, Exploration, and Diplomatic Corps) share the same basic duty uniform.  This uniform is used in both standard duty situations as well as formal occasions in lieu of the dress uniforms common in other militaries.   The concept behind the Weirdo Zone uniform is to provide as much information about the wearer as possible as quickly as possible.

    The uniform is made of a basic flat black tunic with a fold-down flap over the left breast and a colored region along the middle of the torso, regulation flat black slacks with pockets, a wide fabric belt, regulation duty boots and a combination utility / shield generator belt.

    The color of the fabric belt indicates what service the wearer is in: a red belt indicates Military Services, green indicates Exploration Services, orange indicates Internal Security Services (which also encompasses Military Intelligence), and blue indicates Diplomatic Corps.  The color of the colored region of the tunic indicates what department the wearer fulfills in his particular service.  Command personnel wear green, scientists and laboratory personnel wear blue, engineers and technicians wear orange, while security forces wear red.  All Army personnel wear red regardless of duty, all Diplomatic Corps personnel wear blue, and all Internal Security Services personnel unconnected to Military Intelligence wear orange.  The fold-down flap indicates whether or not the wearer is on duty; up and clipped under the left shoulder-board indicates on duty while folded down indicates off-duty.  The Weirdo Zone Insignia and the last-name nametag are put on this duty flap, with the nametag of the wearer worn just below the insignia.  On the right breast is worn campaign and duty ribbons and, on formal occasions, medals below the duty ribbons.  Service stripes indicating length of service are worn on the base of both sleeves; a solid line indicates five years service, a slightly broken line indicates four, a broken line three, an elliptical pip two, a circular pip one year of service.

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    All Weirdo Zone uniforms come equipped with a basic utility / shield generator belt that provides a sufficient of safety from both accidents and hostile situations as well as a place to carry things.  The shield generator is powered from rechargable cells at the front of the belt that provide a maximum of 5 hectaunits/second for ten minutes.  At a much lower setting, a field that protects the wearer from most small arms fire can be maintained for three days without recharge.  The shield generator is actuated by depressing the circular yellow knob on the front of the triangular blue belt buckle; the shield's output can be modified by twisting the knob clockwise for more power or counterclockwise for less.  A neural-feedback option compatible with the ThinkUnit neural implants popular with some are available, allowing hands-free operation.  The utility belt has several thin compartments as well as attachment points for scanner or weapon holsters.

    This is the basic uniform, but each service has its variations.


     The Army has many additional patches and insignia to indicate the wearer's unit, his position in the unit, and so forth.  Beginning with the right arm, the company letter patch is blazoned on the shoulder.  The right shoulder-board indicates the wearer's position: if the wearer is a commander of a unit, the color and pattern on the right shoulder-board is identical to that which would be found on his armor; if he is attached to a squad, its number would appear here.  The left shoulder-board indicates the wearer's rank.  On the left arm, the regimental badge is blazoned on the shoulder with the batallion number in Roman numerals placed directly below it.  Army personnel are continuously equipped with a Mark XXXV handheld personal scanner and a "Dustbuster" ADBP-26/a defensive Blazer pistol, worn on the utility belt.


tmbwzuniformcollar.jpg (2143 bytes)    The Navy adds no new patches to the basic uniform, unlike the Army.  The shoulder-boards are aways a flat black and rank is indicated on both sides of the collar.  While it is not required, it is allowed for Navy personnel to wear ship's insignia on the left shoulder on the sleeve.  Small craft pilots are the ones who commonly do this, and the insignia of their squadron is worn on the right shoulder on the sleeve.

INTERNAL SECURITY (non-Military Intelligence)

   The Internal Security Services dispense with patches and simply puts the agent's Greek-letter designation on the collar and his rank on both shoulder-boards.


    The Diplomatic Corps simply have blue shoulder-boards and Diplomatic Corps insignia on their collars.  It is common and suggested for Diplomatic Officers to adopt additional clothing or modify the uniform to fit more closely with the local custom, but none of these variations (usually cloaks, hoods, capes, buttons, caps, bits of jewelry, lapels, frilly lace things, etc.) are neither incorrect nor likely to be universally adopted.  Diplomatic Officers also wear a more "elegant" form of the shield generator belt, dropping the utilitarian uses associated with it, that makes it much less noticable to antsy foreign diplomats.

Weirdo Zone Military Services: Training Command netdoc 105.22.814
Uplinked on 12.10.3001

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