Mechanized Forces of the Weirdo Zone

     In some tactical situations, the firepower of a tank is needed where none can pass. Bipedal All-Terrain Armored Vehicles (BATAVs) were initially introduced to provide tank-class armor and firepower with the added mobility of legs. However, as walkers tower over the landscape and tanks do not, it became vital that walkers become better equipped and armored than tanks to protect against greater threats. It was found that a fully humanoid design with arms as well as legs was more efficient in combat than the "armless wonder" BATAVs. Thus was the Panzermensch (literally "armor-man" in German) born. Panzermensches now serve in the front-lines of the Army, BATAVs are now only found in garrison units or are sold to other Space-Time Spheres.

    All Panzermensches are equipped with special anti-gravity jump units that allow them to fly somewhat, much like very big HFCPCA suits. While they could stay in the air indefinitely, this would make them prime bait for aerospace forces and keep them from using cover effectively.

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    The APMW-78/21 "Silent Killer XXI" is the Army's standard light Panzermensch. It is capable of speeds up to 160 kph and is equipped with the finest in electronic countermeasures and optical camoflage. Extremely nimble, considering that it is ten meters tall, it is used for heavy infiltration duties and strikes against supply lines. It is armored with 96-134mm of durashell armor but cannot be upgraded with Quik-Switch thanks to its curved lines. It can carry a medium main gun, two medium weapons on shoulder mounts and an electronics package or a light weapon in the torso. Light antipersonnel weapons are often mounted in the forearms. The most common Silent Killer variant carries a medium Gauss autocannon for the main gun, two medium missile pods, a sensor probe in the torso and light rapid-fire Blazers in the arms. The Silent Killer has had repeated complaints about the inability to add to the armor; an angular model XXII is due out later in 3001 but until then the Silent Killer's superior firepower should overcome any problems.

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     The APMW-32/01 "Death Bringer I" is the Army's newest medium Panzermensch. Standing 12 meters tall, it runs up to 130 kph and is armored with 180-350mm of durashell. It can be upgraded with Quik-Switch to 400mm in some locations. It carries a heavy main gun, has two shoulder weapons mounts, two torso weapons mounts, and two light weapons mounts on each arm. As it is more commonly used in front line combat, silent Gauss rifles are waived in favor of a heavy singularity cannon or Gatling antimatter autocannon for a main gun. It often carries four missile pods and two Gatling energized projectile autocannons in each armor. The Death Bringer has just phased out the older APMW-12/60 "Wrath" Panzermensch and is being used in large-scale battle in border patrol along the Reaver/Weirdo Zone border.

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     The APMW-05/67 "War Beast LXVII" is the oldest and heaviest design in the Army. Built to last, the War Beast stands 14m tall, runs 100kph and has a staggering 500-1000mm of armor. Quik-Switch can be used to nearly double the armor at proportional loss of speed. It carries a double-barreled heavy main gun, can carry heavy missile pods on the shoulders, has four heavy weapon emplacements on the torso, four light weapon hardpoints on each arm, and two medium weapon hardpoints in the back. It usually carries a double-barreled heavy singularity cannon, four heavy rapid-fire anti-tank Blazers, two heavy missile pods, four light anti-infantry Blazers in each arm and two medium rapid-fire Blazers in the back. The War Beast was inspired in 2689 by pictures of war machines found in popular fiction. It as remained popular to this day, where it continues to lead spearheads and destroy entire armies. It is a favorite when any 'impregnable' fortification needs to be taken down; the War Beast is often sent in to simply walk up to the fort and rip it apart with its metalshod hands. The LXVII entered service in 2991, and the War Beast probably won't be phased out of service in the foreseeable future.

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