Weirdo Zone Exploratory Services

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     The Weirdo Zone Exploratory Services is the exploration and cataloging arm of the Weirdo Zone. Although not under the Weirdo Zone Military Services command structure, the ranks are identical and members of both services are trained at the same facilities. Both are considered military service and all members may vote in Supreme Emperor elections.

     The WZES uses second-line military equipment in its mission but has superior sensors and science staff. As it is assigned to exploration and not defense the WZES does not require an expansive ground force infrastructure. It is primarily a naval force of single scouts and cruisers. In times of emergency, WZES vessels are expected to react (to distress calls and incursions) and so acts as a rapid-response garrison force.  All WZES ships, as per the upgrade of 2999, have pandimensional drives to allow them access to pandimensional travel.

     The WZES, through the Extradimensional Exploration Division, is also responsible for the operation of miltary TransDimensional Jump Portals. These portals utilize the pandimensional and spacetime-warping capablity of gravitons to teleport items or people through time or universal and dimensional boundaries. It works much like a standard teleporter, converting matter into gravitons and back into matter, just on a wider scale. Jump Portals were invented by Dr. Xodarap Timemit Paradox, an eccentric Volanti who discovered his name was a palindrome in Standard WZ English. He saw this as a sign of his purpose in life. WZES personnel man the portals and the extradimensional bases. This responsibility is great, as the threat of pandimensional invasion has increased as of late. However, the WZES is most concerned of learning of how our Universe relates with others.  More information (which was initially held on this page) can be found on the Extradimensional Exploration Division page.

Weirdo Zone Public Relations Office netdoc WZ.
Published 3.13.3001
Updated 12.20.3001

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