History of the Weirdo Zone

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    This is a (relatively) brief timeline of the 550 year biography of the Weirdo Zone. All dates are in the Terran Standard dating system.

Pre-Weirdo Zone

    AD 2000:  The superstitious Humans of Terra fear that their planet will end due to a computer mishap, a nuclear war, and the Second Coming all at the same time.  This does not happen, and there is a collective sigh of relief.

    AD 2020:  The Weirdoist Movement, a small collection of pipe-dream socialists and social theoreticians begins.

    AD 2061:  The Galactic Arm War breaks out.  In the sixty-three years of fighting, the Volanti, Kzroth, and Koltrop almost totally exaust the resources and production of their respective interplanetary empires.

    AD 2095:  The Terran System Wars begin between the China/Russia-Communist and the North American/European Union-Democrat factions of Terra.   The United Nations and the fear of mutual nuclear annihilation keeps war from occuring on Terra, but the Lunar, Martian, Mercurian, Asteroidal and Jovian colonies are ravaged.

    AD 2100:  The Terran System Wars end when atomic warfare devastate the earth.  Suddenly realizing that they really, really could kill each other off, the Mental and Moral Revolutions predicted by the Weirdoist Movement occur.  The Weirdoists are quickly elected into power, where they unite the world under the Terran Dominion.

    AD 2124:  The Galactic Arm Federation is born between the Volanti, Kzroth, and Koltrop to facilitate survival.  The GAF turns to backbiting and relative ineffectiveness within fifty years due to differences in opinion.

    AD 2125:  The Human inventor Dr. Douglas Adams IV invents the IID and therefore brings Humanity the stars.  Several colonies are created straight-off by dissidents and the ‘persecuted rich,’ but contact is lost immediately after jumping out-of-system due to a lack of interstellar communication.   These colonies are assumed to be busts, but many are discovered later in history, and some still aren’t accounted for.

    AD 2126:  The Terran Dominion officially annexes its first new star system, Proxima Centauri.  Many new colonies follow.

    AD 2179:  The Terran Dominion, consisting of 25 colonies and Terra, discover the insectoid Klaxi race.  Relations are not good.

    AD 2181:  In a power play, the Terran Dominion puts the final touches on the "Great White Fleet," a flotilla of warships numbering five battleships, twenty cruisers, and over a hundred frigates, destroyers, and marine vessels.

    AD 2184:  The Klaxi Armada commits an uprovoked nuclear attack on Terra.  Lacking intelligence data, the weapons scatter wildly across the Earth's surface but still cause over five million casualties.  The Great White Fleet, commanded by Admiral Tasha Patterson, destroys the Klaxi Armada in orbit above Terra before any more damage can be caused.

    Three Days Later:  The entire Klaxi interstellar empire is cleansed by the Great White Fleet.

    AD 2232:  The Galactic Arm Federation has its first (of many) Civil Dispute, a mini-Civil War with only minor casualties and no losses or gains.

    AD 2234:  The Weirdoists are voted out of power by the Imperialists in the Terran Dominion elections.  The Imperialists are ready to expand into the galaxy, no matter what.

    AD 2250:  The GAF has another Civil Dispute.

    AD 2265:  And another.

    AD 2270:  And another.

    AD 2273:  After so many petty wars, the GAF decides to find the Equalizing Race, the sentient species they hope will bring peace to a troubled nation.

    AD 2370:  The Terran Dominion meets the Rasalhaguans, and the Rasalhaguan War begins almost immediately. The Rasalhaguans make a good showing at the beginning, but they make the mistake of attacking Terra.  The entire might of the 200-world, 30-subjugant-species Terran Dominion attacks the Rasalhaguans with full force, mauling every Rasalhaguan colony and finally destroying the ragged remnants of the Rasalhaguan Fleet over Rasalhague II.  The ‘Rassies’ are spared, however, due to the Weirdoist opposition of genocide. The Imperialists reluctantly give in.

    AD 2373:  The Rasalhaguans destroy the Terran Dominion cruiser Trident during a supposed peace and trade agreement rally.  Public support swings to the Imperialists, who utterly destroy the Rassies.  The impending IID fuel shortage is covered up and fixed by seizing the large reserves of hyperspatial fuel on Rasalhague II.

    AD 2400:  On the tricentennial of Terran Unification, the Weirdoists prove that the destruction of the Trident was rigged by the Imperialists, who wanted the Rassies out of the way for their fuel supplies. The Imperialists are thrown out of power, and the Imperialist Party dissolves six months later. The Weirdoists become the undisputed leaders of the Terran Dominion, liberating all subjugated races and embracing the universe with arms of peace... unless someone else fires the first shot.

    AD 2430:  The Terran Dominion meets the Kzroth, the most hostile race of the GAF.  After the initial Terran gesture of peace, the Terran cruiser Hermes was vaporized by a Kzroth broadside.  The Terrans, acting in accordance with the phrase "We come in peace, but if you shoot to kill, we shoot to kill," responded in kind.  Even the ferocious Kzroth couldn’t face the militaristic onslaught of the angry Terrans.

    AD 2433:  The Kzroth homeworld falls to Terran Dominion forces (and theoretically stays that way until 2445).  Seeing one of the ‘Big Three’ down, the remaining Big Two, the Volanti and the Koltrop, enter the Terran/Galactic Arm Federation War.  This quick victory and prolonged annexation, instead of infuriating the Kzroth, gave the Kzroth a grudging admiration for the ‘spindly hairless monkeys.’ Kzroth-Human friendships were not at all rare after the war.

    AD 2436:  The Terran Dominion conquers the Volanti, who are great theoreticians and philosphers but average fighters.  The Volanti homeworld, unlike the Kzroth homeworld, is given back right after the war.

    AD 2440:  The Koltrop Navy is finally defeated in the skies of the Koltrop homeworld.  The entire Galactic Arm Federation now belongs to the Terran Dominion.

    AD 2441:  With a warning to "never pick on us again," the Terran Dominion returns the GAF to self-rule relatively unharmed.  The GAF is amazed that anyone would fight a ten-year war without ravaging the land, raping the females, and demanding tribute from the subjugated.  The GAF was stunned even more that anyone would simply leave after winning.

    AD 2445:  The Volanti suggest that the Humans may just be the ‘Equalizing Race’ the GAF has been looking for for 172 years.

The Imperial Weirdoist Articles of Socialism

    AD 2447:  The first draft of the Imperial Weirdoist Articles of Socialism is written, based on the Constitution of the United States of America (a Terran nation that lasted from AD 1776 to world unification in AD 2100).

    AD 2448:  The following revisions are made to the IWAS:   Minimalizing of Weirdo Zone-wide laws, limiting powers of various branches, revision of parliamentary structure.

    AD 2449:  The requirement of defense contribution is added, and the socialistic ‘monetary pipeline’ is set up. Requirements and protocol for bringing in new species and cultures are established. Supreme Emperor election system and executive powers revised.

    AD 2450:  The Imperial Weirdoist Articles of Socialism are signed by the Terrans, Volanti, Kzroth, and Koltrop, and ratified by the member species of the Terran Dominion and Galactic Arm Federation. All combined, now approximately 50% of Primary Galaxy is under WZ control.

The Thauran Concordat War

    AD 2479:  The Thauran Concordat invades Weirdo Zone space, capturing thirteen systems.

    AD 2480:  The combined fleets of Force Groups One, Two, and Six counterattacks the invading Taurans. An unofficial cease-fire occurs.

    AD 2481:  The Thauran Concordat incursion is defeated and the borders return to normal. Supreme Emperor Shila Frimarkqua orders the creation of Task Force Retribution, consisting of thirty battleships, one hundred cruisers, and one hundred seventy destroyers.

    AD 2482:  Task Force Retribution invades Thauran Concordat space and handily defeats the Thauran Grand Navy at the Battle of Hourke’s Run. Thauran subjugated races are liberated as Task Force Retribution continues deeper into the Concordat. The Taurans are pushed out of Primary Galaxy. The Weirdo Zone now has sole control of Primary Galaxy.

    AD 2484:  Task Force Retribution, suffering the loss of only fifty-seven ships and reinforced by fresh Weirdo Zone ships, captured vessels, and warships built by the liberated worlds, fight their way to the Thauran capital world of Trono. Then and there the unconditional surrender of the Thauran Concordat is recieved.

    AD 2485:  The Weirdo Zone/Thauran Neutrality Pact is signed, creating a demilitarized zone between the Weirdo Zone and the Thauran Concordat. By now, 90% of the worlds liberated by Task Force Retribution have become members of the Weirdo Zone. The rest are affiliates.

    AD 2486 to Current Day:  Occasional incidents occur between the Thauran Navy and Weirdo Zone Border Patrol vessels. Most end in the Weirdo Zone’s favor.

The Beginning of the Reaver War

    AD 2500:  The Reaver Biological Collective is first contacted when the extragalactic RBC destroys border outposts on the 90° line and push with the three-thousand-ship Reaver Armada ‘Rage’ deep into Weirdo Zone space. The Border Patrol forces of Force Group Five are overrun and the beset Weirdo Zone Navy falls back. World after world falls to the Reavers, who use neurochemical mind control to turn their captives into slave labor.

    AD 2502:  Reaver Armada Rage reaches Weirdonia, the capital of the Weirdo Zone. A three-year siege begins. Weirdo Zone Army forces fight valiantly to hold the capital city.

    AD 2503:  Supreme Emperor Davidson is killed when the Grand Hall is overrun by Reaver troops. Mobile Infantry Battalion I, A Company, 1st Weirdo Zone RCT, are Davidson’s personal guards and rage into hand to hand combat after their ward is assassinated. Their shame of failure (not to mention the black ichor of slain Reavers upon their battle fists) cause them to rename themselves from "The Emperor’s Shield" to "The Black Fists." The Black Fists become the most decorated unit of the war.

    AD 2504:  By now, all delegates and government officials have been smuggled off of Weirdonia to Terra. The Reavers, however, do not know this. As the remnants of Force Group Five keep the stalled Reaver Armada Rage busy with hit-and-run tactics, Force Groups Four and Six raid the Reaver supply lines, recapturing territory behind the Reavers.

    AD 2505:  The Seige of Weirdonia ends when the last Reaver warrior dies inside the Delegation Center. Their marines depleted, the Reaver Armada Rage prepares to leave when they are suddenly beset by Weirdtroopers and Mobile Infantry teleported from the surface. This daring marine action captures a quarter of the remaining Reaver warships, and the devastated remains speed out of the system, right into an ambush consisting of the entire Sixth, First, Second, and Fifth Force Groups. Reaver Armada Rage is finally exterminated five years after the initial incursion. The Reavers are pushed out of Primary Galaxy due to their stretched support lines.

    AD 2507:  The war-torn colonies, member worlds, and Weirdonia are reconstructed. Reaver mind control is found to be extremely easy to break using a special toxin that kills Reaver ‘mind-parasites.’

    AD 2508:  Long-range scanners detect another Reaver Armada, code-named ‘Carnage.’  Strategists decide that the Armada must be stopped before it reaches the Weirdo Zone, and chooses the fight to be at a Reaver refueling outpost on Canyep-Eegra. The Black Fists capture the poorly-manned station, and the rest of the year is devoted into turning this refuling post into a trap.

    AD 2509:  Reaver Armada Carnage jumps into the Canyep-Eegra system, straight into a minefield. Most of the smaller ships, unprepared for a fight, are destroyed. The entire rebuilt Force Group Five, along with heavy battleships from Force Groups One and Six, instantly attack the moment the mines detonate. Volleys of cruise missiles vaporize the largest ships as fighter-borne torpedoes ravage medium sized ones. Out of a three-thousand-ship armada, only about five hundred-sixty survive the first onslaught, with most of them crippled. The 560 Reaver ships are quickly beset by the 3500-ship Weirdo Zone task force, purging the Reavers. The entire battle, known as the Play of End-Game, ends within ten minutes of the Reavers arrival. Only three Weirdo Zone destroyers and one cruiser are lost.

    AD 2512:  Task Force Pioneer crosses the intergalactic depths of space to Secondary Galaxy, brushing Reaver holdings out of the way and clearing a path for the Great Expansion.

The Great Expansion

    AD 2515:  The Cloud Galaxies just outside of Primary Galaxy are colonized, with new member races added weekly. Within three years, the Cloud Galaxies becomes the Cloud District of the Weirdo Zone.

    AD 2520:  A large foothold has been established in Secondary Galaxy. The population of Secondary Galaxy, glad to be away from the yokes of the Thauran Concordat and the RBC, greet Weirdo Zone colonists and diplomats with open arms.

    AD 2700:  Secondary Galaxy, as well as the intergalactic voids between Secondary Galaxy and Primary Galaxy, are totally under Weirdo Zone control.

    AD 2725:  Task Force Pioneer cruises into Tertiary Galaxy, almost a suburb of the Reaver Nebulous Galaxy. Resistance is fierce, but the Reavers slowly pull back. Colonists follow almost directly on the heels of Task Force Pioneer, taking in liberated species and colonizing new worlds for the Weirdo Zone.

    AD 2990:  90% of Tertiary Galaxy is under Weirdo Zone control.

    AD 2999:  A clandestine operation led by Fleet Admiral Phillip Nibnumber leads to the defection of the major Mind Queen Shh-Ret, which leaves a tremendous gash in the Reaver defense of the Nebulous Galaxy.  Task Force Pioneer, in the final move of Operation Giveimhell, occupies the peripheral section of the Reaver Nebulous Galaxy previously controlled by Shh-Ret.

The Current Situation

    AD 3000:  The Weirdo Zone now commands all of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Galaxies. The foothold into the Reaver Nebulous Galaxy is only challenged by the occasional small fleet and some raids. The Reaver hierarchy has been shaken by the defection of Shh-Ret. The Thauran Concordat also seems to be disintegrating due to slave riots, political upheaval and bureaucratic inefficiency.  Task Force Pioneer protects the Weirdo Zone foothold in the Nebulous Galaxy as other assets are reassigned to scout into the void to the 225° line of the Weirdo Zone.

    AD 3001:  The RBC line remains entrenched as dealings with the High Mind-Empress turn from military operations to diplomacy.  Weirdo Zone policies in the California S/TS stir up unrest among pandimensional 'Isolationists,' especially the assignment of three expeditionary forces to the region in order to shore up the defenses of the Weirdo Zone allies.  The civil unrest between Houses Imcedi and Garbog in the Thaurian Concordat leads analysts to predict that the Thaurian empire will soon disintigrate.

    AD 3002 (Early):  The 'Isolationists' win the debate on pandimensional alliances when the status quo in California S/TS fails spectacularly.   Additional work is done to shore up defenses against pandimensional attack, and an unprecedented aid program is launched to stabilize the Thaurian Concordat.  Relations with the RBC slowly begin to thaw after five hundred years of conflict, but the cease-fire is threatened both by hard-liner war hawks and disruptive True Earth cells.

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