Weirdo Zone Internal Security Services

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    The Weirdo Zone, despite its generally utopian levels of  peace and prosperity, is actually a greatly dangered state.  Such a large state has millions of threats both internal and external.  Militant dissident factions, terrorists, "dark" psychics, extranational spies, and even extradimensional invaders threaten the peace and security of the civilian population of the Weirdo Zone.   To combat this threat, the Weirdo Zone Internal Security Services (WZISS) were formed by the Leeson-Shakita-K'zota National Internal Defense Act of 2547 after Reaver Mind Aggregates were detected in high-level politicians and civil servants.  Formed by a coalition of the major intelligence and internal defense systems of the Terran Dominion and the Galactic Arm Federation, the WZISS were tasked with the defense of internal civilian and military security from threats both internal and external.   Vocal opponents decried the creation of a pseudo-secret police force, a "neoGestapo," while others assaulted the expansion of the military complex into a triad:  the Military Services, Exploratory Services, and the Internal Security Services.

    These voices still exist and are some of the loudest in the Weirdo Zone today.  Most outside observers take this as proof that the WZISS are not corrupt.  Most citizens agree that the WZISS, while somewhat spooky in that government-spook way, are neccessary for the safety of the Weirdo Zone.

    The WZISS are made up of agents, classified under Greek letters by the type of duty they perform.  Rank is virtually nonexistent in the operational forces of the WZISS; performance speaks for itself.  Agents are controlled by aptly-named "controllers" who are responsible to both executive officers and legislative committees--executive to ensure that the job is done, legislative to ensure the job is done right.  The only agents that are not answerable to the legislature are the ultra-elite Alpha-Omega agents, whose assignments are assigned by the Supreme Emperor or the Prime Speakers of the Legislative Unit while  their numbers are directly controlled by legislative committee.  This system is based on the highly successful internal security agency of the Terran Dominion.

WZISS Agent Classifications


Beta Agents Tax watchers; average Bob Anybody who looks at tax information and ensures that all citizens are doing their part.
Gamma Agents Freedom protectors; also Bob Anybodies who watch conditions on the many worlds of the Weirdo Zone and root out oppression and injustice.
Theta Agents Government watchers; more Bob Anybodies as well as highly-trained professionals who root out political corruption.   Well-watched by all national media corporations.
Tau Agents Enforcers; ordered to correct any problems detected by Beta, Gamma, and Theta agents that cannot be fixed by conventional means.


Delta Agents Espionage; nominally common Ivan Anybodies who decide to cheat their own country and help us.  Very secret, and very stressful on these non-military agents.
Mu Agents Sabotage; sometimes highly-trained soldiers but more often zealous Ivan Anybodies who want to help the Weirdo Zone cause.   Agents are secret, results are not.  Many foreign freedom-fighters are also Mu Agents.
Nu Agents Destabilization; extremely effective soldiers trained in sowing dissent and anger among a population, thereby "destabilizing" that society.  Rarely used, but successful to a disheartening degree even among "cultured" societies.
Sigma Agents Combination Delta-Mu-Nu agents; well-trained professionals who get the job, whatever it is, done.  James Bond types.


Alpha Agents Assassins; tightly-regulated.   Licensed to kill their target and any henchpeople connected with the target and the business that the hit is intended to stop (i.e. no family hits).
Psi Agents Psychic agents; normally used to detect and monitor psychic Reaver spies and psionic pandimensional problems.  All military psychics are classified as Psi Agents.
Omega Agents Espionage agents of the highest caliber.  Capable of observing any target anywhere at anytime in total secrecy, thanks to a plethora of skills and detection-avoidance technologies.
Alpha-Omega Agents A unique blend of Alpha and Omega agents and everything in between.  Silent, deadly, unknown, and infinitely useful.

WZISS Equipment

    The WZISS use a variety of equipment that enhances their covert operations.  This equipment ranges from simple concealed microphones, cameras, and transmitters of more mundane agents to the high-tech infiltration equipment and null space-time pockets of Alpha-Omega agents.  This is a highlight of some of the more interesting equipment.

Keltronics CM-114
Coded Military Communicator

A common transmission device used by most agents.   Transmits a tight-beam chaotically coded message indiscernable from common background static.  Can either be subdermally implanted or concealed within articles of clothing.

Opticon "Mini-Eye"
Miniature Camera

The standard visual recording device, capable of "seeing" nearly all wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Hyperspatial Tracker

Used by agents to track targets.  Transmits a hyperspatial pulse that can be tracked over hundreds of light years.

MBP-56 "Silencer"
Light Blazer Pistol

The standard sidearm of combat agents.   Small and easily concealed within the palm of an average Human's hand.   Capable of firing into all electromagnetic wavelengths; default setting is silent x- and gamma-ray laser.

MBP-91 "Eliminator"
Heavy Blazer Pistol

A heavier rapid-fire energy pistol carried by many Oversight agents.  Notable capabilities of this weapon are an attachable rifle stock for increased power, targeters for accuracy and even a foreward grip for increased stability.

Weirdo Zone Office of Public Relations netdoc 190.71
Uplinked on 5.12.3001

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