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The Home Planet: Ezyre

Brief Description of Ezyre:
Ezyre is the fifth planet in the Ezyre solar system. Ezyre has two moons, Arth and Erth. Arth and Erth are equa-distant from Ezyre and constantly 180 degrees of each other in orbit. Arth has a bluish tint and Erth has a greenish tint. Ezyre has 5 main land masses, or continents. The Northern Territory covers the north pole, and the Southern Territory covers covers the south pole. Prageous is the largest continent, Xanos is the mid-sized continent, and the smaller continent is now known as the FOE HQ.

At the beginning:
The FOE HQ building is centrally located on the FOE continent. Centered between the FOE HQ building and the northern shore of the FOE continent, is a placed called Entrance Park. Centered in this park is a capsule looking object in which all new players emerge. This is where you will start. The Entrance Park is fairly large. Enough room for people to group to chat and get used to the AUX client program.

Moving is actually pretty simple. The four arrow keys are used for movement. UP arrow moves you forward. DOWN arrow moves you backward, half as fast as forward. RIGHT and LEFT arrows turn you right and left, respectively. You may also use the Page Up, PgUp, to rotate your view upwards, or simply to look up. Page Down, PgDn, rotates your view down, so you can look down. The HOME key will center your up/down view, in other words, level your view. Letters, numbers, or punctuation, will be sent to the chat pane, followed by pressing enter.

Mouse Controls:
Mouse functions vary per pane. Clicking in the chat pane will not do anything. In the View pane, left click is your action, and right click is more info/help. Left click in the view window to open doors or to have access to computer terminals. Right clicking on left clickable items will tell you what the control does. If Building Mode is enabled in the Show menu, then right click will cause an Object Property pane to be opened, which will let you edit, add, or delete your property. The more info/help will not work while the Building Mode is enabled.
As far as the other panes are concerned, in the Show menu, there is an itemed named "Mouse HotSpots". If this is enabled, any clickable item in the right panes will be boxed with a red and yellow box. Either test click the areas, ask someone, or look for information on other panes in other sections of these help files.

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