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Jedi Academy
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Our City's Goals

· Create a successful city able to be self-sufficient if needed.
· Create the perfect balance of industry and ecology so that we can live in harmony with the environment.
· Establish a government in which the people have the right to speak out if being repressed, and also a government that will support its citizens and their businesses.
· Create a favorable balance of trade in which we export more than we import.


Taxes are used for the payment of our governing persons, city defense, organization funding, city maintenance, and for the payment of our cities organizations, such as the Allon Jedi Academy. Taxes are subject to rise and fall, but no tax shall ever reach more than 10% of a citizen's, business', or company's monthly income. It is unclear how taxes will be collected at this time, but they will be collected at the release of Star Wars Galaxies, to begin construction on the town center and defenses.

Large Factory/ Large Business 5% of Monthly Income
Small Business 3% of Monthly Income
Citizens 1.5% of Monthly Income

Example: A weapon designing company manufactures 200 blasters one month at $1,000 each. He receives $200,000 for all of the blasters. Because he is a large company, he must pay 5% of his $200,000, so he gives the city $10,000 that month.


Imports that will be sold in the city will be taxed (Hey, we have to give our smugglers a reason to smuggle and a reason to keep the city self-sufficient) before they are to be sold. The tax will be an import tax of 2% of the total shipment cost for imports from other Tatooine cities or a 5% of the total shipment cost import tax on imports from other planets. It is still unclear as to how the city will obtain the percentage. If the deal containing imports is a trade of items, the imported items will be taxed by their estimated value. If the imports have not been taxed, they are to be held until they are.

Example: A weapons dealer is going to bring in $200,000 worth of blasters to sell from Mos Eisley. Because he is not a local dealer but he is from the same planet, he must give the city $40,000, or 2% of the $200,000. Another weapons dealer wants to bring in $200,000 worth of the same blasters in from Naboo. He must give the city $10,000, or 5% of the $200,000.

City Support of Local Player Alliances, Businesses, and Industries
Providing the city has enough money, local player alliances, businesses, and industries will receive financial support from the city, as long as the council deems these organizations acceptable. This money can be used for whatever the organization needs it for (payment of members, weapons, etc.)

City Support of Citizens
The city may call upon its citizens to perform a certain task. If a hunter is a citizen, the city may ask him to hunt a Krayt dragon to be displayed in the main hall. If a bounty hunter is a citizen, the city may call upon that bounty hunter to capture a murderer. Etc. The city, will pay generously.

Legal Criminal Organizations
Criminal organizations are allowed in Allon. However, they must adhere to certain requirements. They must not act against any Allon citizen, and they must pay twice of whatever the current weekly tax is. Weapons usually considered illegal are legal for the criminal organization's members only. The Supreme Consul must clear organizations before taking effect. If any Allon citizens are harmed, punishments will be used and the organization will be immediately shut down.

Example: A Smuggling corporation wants to base itself in Allon. Providing they have been cleared, they may use illegal weapons such as thermal detonators, but they may not smuggle to Allon citizens. They can, however, smuggle to citizens of other cities.

Personnel Weapons

Our city has weapons regulations for the sole purpose to keep everyone safe. Weapons are acceptable as long as they are either considered a legal weapon by the city or our cleared by the board of Consuls. (Such as if an anti-pirating group is based in the city, they are able to possess weapons like thermal detonators if they have spoken with and have been cleared by the Consul board, but they can possess sporting blasters without any questions.)

Examples of Legal Weapons
Blaster Pistols
Blaster Rifles
Hunting Rifles
Sporting Blasters
Jawa Ionization Blasters
Projectile Weapons with Non-Explosive Projectiles
Dart Shooters
Gaffi Sticks
Ryyk blades
Stun Batons
Automated Security Systems

Illegal Personal Weapons

Anything Explosive Not Being Used For Scientific Purposes (This includes grenades, thermal detonators, etc.)
Repeating Blasters (Light Repeating Blaster Rifles, E-Web Blasters, etc.)
Disruptors of Any Kind
Sonic Weapons
Flame Projectors
Flechette Weapons
Turret-based Weapons (Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Infantry, Anti-Starship, Turbolaser Turrets, etc.)
Any Other Weapon of Mass Destruction

Actions Considered Illegal and Their Consequences

Some actions are considered illegal for the purpose of keeping everyone safe. Anything not mentioned on this list is considered legal in the eyes of the city. Illegal actions are considered illegal only when done against Allon citizens, property, of Allon's environment. Illegal actions include:

· Murder
In the case of a murder, the murderer must pay a fine of $500,000. $300,000 worth of this will go to the victim while the other $200,000 goes to the city. This fine will be paid even if the murderer and the victim were of opposite factions. Certain exceptions to the fine will be accepted, but this is left to the judgment of the Consul of Law. Killing in self-defense is still considered a murder, but will be punished by a $175,000 fee, $75,000 to the victim and $100,000 to the city.
· Theft
Thief must give back the item and pay a fine of four times the price of the item. One half of this fine goes to the one who the item was stolen from, while the other portion of the fine goes to the city. If the item is lost our cannot be given back for whatever reason, the fine is the cost of the item multiplied by six, and the fine is distributed in the normal manner. If no estimated price is obtainable, the Consuls shall do their best to compare the item to another whose price is known, and may possibly add additional cost because of time and emotions invested in the stolen item. Pirates are considered thieves.
· Smuggling (Failure to Pay Import Tax)
If a smuggler is guilty of smuggling items, goods, spices, etc. into the city of if someone has failed to pay the fee before selling, he will be fined three times the value of the shipment and the shipment will be confiscated and left in the possession of the city.
· Poaching of Any Specie Found on the List of Endangered Tatooine Species
As certain species are killed off, they may be added to the List of Endangered Tatooine Species. If parts of any of the animals on this list are discovered (including pelts, horns, pearls, bones, etc.), the person possessing the item is subject to a fine depending on the specie of animal. The item will also be confiscated and most likely destroyed. There are exceptions, but they must be cleared by the Consul of Environmental Protection and Zoology or if they are being used for scientific purposes.
· Possessing of parts of any Illegally Poached Animal
See Poaching.
· Vandalizing Property Not Owned By the Vandal, Including Public Property
The vandal must pay four times the cost to fix the damage. A half of this will go to the person who's property was vandalized while the other half goes to the city. If the vandalized property belonged to the city, the entire fine goes to the city.
· Excessive Pollution
See Vandalizing Public Property.
· Possession of an Illegal Weapon
If someone is found with an illegal weapon, the weapon will be immediately confiscated and the possessor must pay a fine of $100,000 to the city. If a disruptor is found, the possessor must pay $500,000 rather than $100,000.
· Failure to Pay any Tax
If a citizen fails to pay his/her taxes, an extra $100 will be added for each week the money is not presented. If the money is not paid within two months or if the person is in no way able to pay the tax, the city will begin to take possession of the citizen's property, or the citizen will be asked to leave the city. The same goes for businesses, but with a $10,000 increase per week rather than a $100 increase.
· Attempt at Escaping Punishment
The person attempting to escape punishment will be brought back to the city and expected to accept the punishment doubled. Bounty hunters will be used if necessary.

Amendments are always legal if accepted by a majority vote in the Council. The laws of the city are subject to much change before the release of Star Wars Galaxies.