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Jedi Academy

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All trainees have now been selected. New trainess will be accepted at a later date.

~Master Praear

    The Jedi Academy is based in Allon. If you wish to join, please contact me, Master Praear, at and tell me your character name, species, and your SWG Forum handle if you have one. The requirements of the academy require you to only do what the light side would do. It isn't posted here, but taught by the Masters. Learning is best experienced first hand.

    When you start at the academy, you will probably be a Padawan. You will be trained by a Jedi Master or Knight. Then, when the Knight decides your skills are complete, you become a Knight. Masters are people who are chosen as leaders by me, Xan-Qui. I choose them as the ones who seem most like a Jedi Master. Those are the requirements. If you need to know more, email me at

    Most things will take place in-game.

-Master Praear               

Here is the Hierarchy of the Academy:

Consul Jedi: The highest and is also a governing part of the city.

Master: The highest JEDI specific rank, given only to those who seem to be a Master or a powerful Jedi.

Jedi Knight: Knights are the main soldiers. They do not need to go on missions, but to be considered a member of the Academy or get on the council, you must follow out on missions. The begining Knights get trained by Masters in the use of tactics and the force, then they pass it on to their Padawan.

Padawan: These are the people getting trained by Knights and Masters. They are already trained in using the Force, but they get taught tactics and other things that Knights and Masters think they should know.

Click Here to Contact Master Praear and the Jedi Academy.