Why is there some woman called Andromeda walking
around when that’s the ship’s name?
Andromeda, commonly known as Rommie to avoid confusion, is the ship’s
avatar. She’s basically the ship’s personality. Rommie has a physical form
created by Harper. (She also has other forms; see question 13)
What’s Slipstream?
Slipstream is a cool method of getting around in which ships can get jump
from place to place by opening ‘Slipstream portals’. Look out for phrases
like; ‘Brace for Slipstream’, ‘Jump into Slipstream’ etc.
What’s that thing on Harper’s neck?
Oh how I wish it was me.....ahem. The thing on Harper’s neck is his
data-port - or cerebral port to get all technical. It allows him to do all sorts
of funky things with technology including interfacing with Andromeda. When
Harper does this he goes into her systems as a computer generated man while his
body is unconscious in the real world. Harper can connect to certain things with
a cord which he plugs into his port.
Haven’t I seen that Dylan bloke as someone else?
Yes silly, he’s been in lots of other things, most notably Hercules in
Hercules; The Legendary Journeys. His hairs slightly shorter but he’s still
the same basic hero type we all love.
Who are the Nietzchiens?
Nietzchiens are a superior kind of humans. They certainly think themselves
better then everyone else. They’re a bit of a mean species generally speaking
because they tend to do a lt of killing and have a lot of wars. Oh, and they
were responsible for the fall of the Commonwealth.
Nietzchiens only care about their own survival when it comes down to it and
continuing their genes. Nietzchiens live in prides, like little gangs. Tyr is of
course, our favourite because, well, he’s nice.
Who are the Magog?
The Magog are furry little critters - no, actually they’re more like bug
ugly bears with lumpy skin. Definitely harder than Nietzchiens, Magog are savage
beasts (Note; don’t look at Rev for an example!) and they breed by laying
their eggs inside human hosts. Not pleasant. The eggs are incubated inside the
host and when they eventually hatch thy kill the person, not to mention it’s
really gross.
Magog can spit paralytic poison from their mouths. The Magog leader is scary
silhouette guy. We don’t really know what his deal is but something tells me
we’re going to find out.
Why is Harper so damn cute?
Us mortals will never know.
High Guard? Commonwealth? Say what?!
The Commonwealth existed 300 years ago and was kind of like the government of
the universe. The Highguard were like the army or police force of the
Commonwealth. Dylan was a Highguard Captain.
What’s Trance’s deal?
Tricky one that. We’ve only been given hints as to who she really is but
these haven’t added up to anything that give us a clue as to what she’s all
about. All we know is that she’s good at guessing games, can see the
‘perfect possible conclusion’ in a situation and there’s something dodgy
about her tattoo. None of the crew or anyone else for that matter knows what
species she is.
What’s a force-lance?
No, it’s not a euphemism for what your mind is conjuring up right now,
it’s a weapon. Basically it’s a glorified stick. Dylan’s weapon of choice.
Why are there robots people walking around the ship?
The robots are Andromeda’s maintenance droids. They’re not really an
essential part of Andromeda but they help with repairs from what we’ve seen
and have been known to carry luggage on occasion..
Where did that other ship come from?
That would be the Eureka Maru. This is Beka Valentines’ ship in which they
discovered Dylan and the Andromeda.
Are my eyes playing tricks or do I keep seeing that
Andromeda babe in different forms?
Rommie has different forms. One of them is her android body that Harper
created for her. With this body she has a lot of freedom and can go off of the
ship if she wants to. She is still connected to the Andromeda but the connection
isn’t as reliable as that of her holographic self. This form consists of a
partially see-through Andromeda who can pop up at any point, anywhere around the
ship. She appears on demand. Rommie’s final form is screen Rommie which is
what it sounds - Rommie’s image appearing on monitors placed around the ship.
These two forms are confined to the ship.