Sam/Daniel-Colored GlassesSG-1 EPISODE viewed through Sam/Daniel-Colored Glasses Season One Season Two Season Three Season Four Season Five ~View my Sam/Daniel music videos HERE.~ SAM/DANIEL written through Sam/Daniel-Colored Glasses By Brian'na Title: For Those In Misery... Summary: What if Sam had been captured in Abyss? Category: Romance, hurt/comfort Rating: PG Spoilers: Abyss & Meridian. Title:Homecoming Summary: Daniel's memories are coming back Category: Romance, Misisng Scene Rating:PG Setting: Season Seven, Fallen/Homecoming spoilers Title: Schroedinger's Legacy Summary: Sam's missing Schroedinger Category: Friendship, Hurt/Comfort Rating:PG Setting: Season One, post-Enigma Title: Like Minds Summary: Sam & Daniel share a late night at the SGC Category: Friendship, UST Rating: PG Title: Jolinar's Memories Summary: Missing thoughts from the episode Category: Romance, Hurt/Comfort Rating: PG