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[Hostile Groups]





[Space Travel]




Artificial Intelligence’s, or AI’s as they are known, are responsible for running most spacecraft, Gateways and communications grids. They consist of large scale quantum foam computers and gravatic layering. They tend to have extremely fast reaction times, in the order of Microscronds. (1e-6 seconds) An alpha class AI has, on average 7e22 bytes of memory capacity, stored in incomprehensibly compressed Data storage mediums.

While on the whole AI’s have Coexisted with humans peacefully, during the early AI era a group of AIs known as the Machine Secession attempted to destroy humanity. The AI’s that were not so inbalanced for the most part destroyed the traitor AI’s. However at least three factory ships escaped in IY 2612. They are believed to be at large, with only the ISA knowing their present location. They remain a rogue element in the galaxy. Their technology has however lagged behind that of the Imperium, and their only known interference has been the development of the Consortium, which was arranged by the Renegade AI’s.