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A few days ago, while visiting my relatives, I took a leaflet from a man on a street corner. this leaflet was entitled “FAITH to be an ATHEIST” Said leaflet was in fact published by Faith Reliance Tract Co. SMETHWICK. As I was getting onto the train I read through this article. Not impressed was I. Confronted by astounding ignorance I was. Mightily pissed off was I.

So, I will now present choice pieces of this... thing, with rebuttals.The text that follows in italics is excepted from the article, except when it is colored in red, which is where I have inserted comments

Now I ask you to seriously considers which requires the GREATER FAITH; the Christian or the atheist. [No question mark I see.] If there is no Almighty [is this a proper noun?] God, no designer, no controller, where did everything come from? Who set all the movement of the heavens in order [precisely what order he means escapes my ken, If you have any idea what the f**k he is on about please press the feedback button above and enlighten me.] and keeps them operating with such precision ? [WTF?]

Don’t be a fool like the young man who told me, “It is proved to be the result of a series of mathematics.” [If anyone said that they have no scientific knowledge, that said, neither do creationists.]

Our conversation finished when I told him what I heard a CAMBRIDGE MATHEMATICIAN [appeal to ‘authority’; One this man is a mathematician, not a physicist, two there is no reference given and as such this should be considered a work of fiction]  say: “The possibility of the universe being the result of a series of mathematics was about equal to the possibility of a dictionary being the result of an explosion in a print shop.”

If you should be the one who does not believe in the God of the Bible, [there is only one atheist in the world? let alone every other religion but Judeo Christianity, I think this guy can not count] as you read the following by Robert Cowles [whom I shall look up] of the U.S.A., [no offense to American readers but that is really no surprise] ask yourself, who after all is the greater fool?

“I DO NOT HAVE THE FAITH TO BE AN ATHEIST” [probably due to stupidity and ignorance, combined with a strict religious upbringing. No faith is required, only a rational mind.]

“This big beautiful world we occupy is the fifth largest planet (after Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) in our solar system, orbiting an avarage-size sun 93 million miles away from us.

That sun and its nine known planets constitute one small dot in a proliferate 1 TRILLION SUCH UNIVERSES [They did honestly say that, and in addition they even highlighted it. All they need now is a bell and a sign that says “I am ignorant” tied around their necks.] that make up the milky way galaxy. Although the Milky Way appears as almost solid light to the unaided eye, it’s star-suns [What on earth is this guy on about?] move in the vast reaches of space. Proxima Centuri, the nearest star to us [barring the sun, idiots] is actually so far away that scientists do not even speak of it’s distance in miles. [Actually they would use Kilometers]

Instead they use the term Light Years - the distance light, travelling 186,000 miles a second, goes in one full year.  For the record, one light year is 5.88 trillion miles. And Proxima Centuri is 4.28 light years away from us.

That is not all. The Milky Way, measuring 100,000 light years edge to edge [Actually by that definition it is anything up to 100KLy They did not specify passing through galactic central point. nor did they specify that they meant the diameter. Clearly they intend to bamboozle the ignorant.] is one of an estimated 1 BILLION SUCH GALAXIES known to be in space. [where else would they be?] The 200-inch Mt Palomar telescope, penatrating 2 billion light-years into space, cannot find the outer limit of the galaxies [no surprise there, if they knew about a whole huge pile of things such as Inverse square law, visible light radius expasion and so on they might understand.]

THE ATOM [superb, more nonsensical babbling, It’s like a conversation with Gollum...]

At the other end of the spectrum is the ATOM, TOO SMALL for the most powerful electron microscope to make visible. [Humm, I’m sure that it had.] yet known to exist by its behaviour in chemical and nuclear reactions.

Atoms, like solar systems are mostly space. [actually I would call them mostly charge, but far be it for me to dispute a creationist] They have a nucleus around which varying numbers of electrons orbit at fantastic speeds. They combine to form molecules (also invisible), which become the building blocks of of everything material [with the exceptions of pure elements and neutronium, and alpha particles and beta particles and so on and so forth], wether rocks or water or trees or man.

If those atoms that form molecules should suddenly compress so that there was no space left between nuclei and orbiting electrons, the tallest man, seemingly totally solid would shrink to nothing. [actually he’d shrink to a vary small piece of neutronium]

And I AM ASKED TO BEILIVE that those atoms whether gold or iorn or chlorine or sodium just happened to be here in this collosal universe [actually they were originally free floating protons which combined with electrons to form hydrogen and condensed into stars, their own gravity causing them to bind together in the process of nuclear fusion into larger atoms, until they eventually the stars went supernova, spitting out all the atoms we are familliar with (barring those that are artificially created) Scientific fact is more astounding than creationist fiction.] and just happened to combine to form the molecules that became everything we see around us [remember what I said about charge?]

I AM ALSO ASKED TO BEILIEVE That life - that mysterious plus which brings animation to living things - was a 3 - billion - year happenstance. That atoms of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur manages to join together ( a one in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000, [not sure if his numbers are correct, now you know why we like standard fom (1e34 and that sort of thing). Anyway, remember again the Charge?] chance) and to do so in combination with 100 or so other different protien molecules which originated simultaneously at the exact same spot and by the same long odds in orger to live and reproduce. If we are an evoloutionary happenstance we are amazingly lucky.

Next he has gone on about the Human Body. Well here is a response.

I AM ASKED TO BELIEVE that the universe was created in seven days by this really great guy called Jehovah or Yahweh. In additon this guy is really really great. And he is so collosally brilliant that he kills children for the ‘sins’ (anything he doesn’t like he calls sin) of their parents. He also has this ‘Chosen People’ whom he thinks is really good, and encourages them to kill the occupants (the Cannanites) of  some sacred piece of dirt They then took this sacred piece of dirt (TM) He also enjoys killing the firstborn children of egypt, inflicting plagues of people and inciting his “Chosen People to acts of slaughter.”

Not only this Yahweh has some bizzare sexual problems. He is obsessed with genital clenliness. He can not stand the prospect of sex outside marrige (this is because he considers wives the property of their husbands) He aslo has some major issues with homosexuality.

In addition he approves wholeheartedly of slavery, and of raping forigners (those who are not in his ‘chosen people.’

Then he sent his only son  to get nailed up to a piece of wood in order to tke away the ‘sins’ that he himself invented. Then said son came back to life, and conviniently revealed himself to the cult members of the group he set up.


No thanks. I’d rather stick with science, logic, morality and common sense.