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[Space Travel]




The Imperium’s medical technology is, by modern standards blindingly advanced, and of course free

Most Imperium citizens themselves are not entirely human, with genertic alterations made every two generations to improve the human baseline genetic inheritance. Minor features are the abscense of redundant organs like the appendix, though the function it once served, ans still does today in some animals, the digestion of the cell walls of plant material has been re-activated and the ability to shut down the pain centers of the brain at will, though there is a ‘knack’ to that. A major genetic feature is the ability to re-grow lost limbs without artificial enhancement over time.

All imperium citizens have small artiimune implants in their bodies. These are small factories that produce artificial all purpose anti-bodies which are able to recognise forign objects (harmful bacteiral infections and viruses) and annihalate them. They are designed to interact perfectly with the existing immune system.

Another common implant is the restorer implant, a device which ‘backs up’ the briain state of an individual every few seconds and allows them to, in the event of an accident, return to life in either a new cloned body (which is of course grown without a mind of it’s own, accelerated to the required age) or an android copy should they choose.