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[The Goa'uld]



I haven’t seen this film. I do not really wish to see this film. I will however see the film when it comes out over here in order to catalogue the crimes against the Romulan people for when the Tal’Shiar get hold of the Producers. From what I have heard I have compiled a list of problems with the film, and how I would improve upon it.

My first problem is a major issue, in a word:- Remans.

WHY! why do the fools who run trek need to inflict this new stupidity on us all? They serve what purpose exactly? We all know that Romulans originally came from Vulcan. How did these ‘Remans’ pop up? The next issue with them is Why are they slaves? The Romulans never struck me as sadists. The usefulness of industrial slavery to a people at the Romulan level of technology is non-existant. This is simply a new way to get the audience to think of the Romulans as “Evil.” Though of course those of us who watched Voyager will know that the Federation keep slaves (Author Author, Voy) in the form of sentient holograms, Perhaps this explains Picard’s line of “How many Romulans died to get you your ‘freedom.’”

The next problem is the death of the Senate. There goes the only democratic leadership in ‘trek. (when did you last hear of the federation council running for election?) Also, how stupid do the writers think the Romulans are? Do they honestly believe that there is no deputy Praetor? No mention of the Continuing committee (who seemed to be a separate body, with only the Praetor in both) Where were the Tal’Shiar? I hate to be a continuity buff but if the Tal’Shiar are everywhere as the federation would have you believe why did they not see this coming?

The Reman ship. Where did the slaves get the equipment and time and materials to build a ship? They are slaves. Slaves aren’t known for having vast rescources.

I have now seen the film. all the above are valid.