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[Small Arms]





[Space Travel]



 Notes on Training

Standard Infantry/Naval. Recruitment age 18-50 (long lifespans, this is the equialent of 16-20)

Basic training ~ 2 Years Academic training ~ 5 Years (equivelent of doing a Bsc and Postgrad/Msc) usually in tactics, startegy logistics engineering etc.) Advanced Millitary training ~ 3 Years Specialist and divesified training programs.

Cybernetic mental enhancement (should you be interested) 10 years basic service (garrisons etc) 5 years 'front "line"' Optional exit and retirement possibe Nco promotion 15 year term cycle

Standard armour (this is not a genuine exoskeleton, though these are used for actual front line combat, when humans go near the front line) Ablative/ceramic impact absorbtion layer. Steel/titanium/super and hyperconductive layer to absorb energy and disperse Energy dissapation systems (classified) Energy Carbine/Rifle. both pulse and beam fire incorparated. Remote nural feed targeting. Energy Pistol pulsed beam variant reloads for above. Knife/CCW [monomolecular edge, with disruption feild] assorted other kit.


What do the’cybernetic implants’ do? It sounds a little sinister

The major Cybernetic implants are mostly enhanced memory capacity. so if they are parachuted {ok thats a reduntant term} they will remember exactly where everyone landed. They also have in there the knowlage of how to maintain practically anything. and full layouts of major planetery capitals. They don't use it much.

They don’t affect judgement, or free will in any way. If the Impeium wants unquestioning obidience, it will use combat drones.

How does the ‘mono-molecular knife’ work?

The bit that does the work is the disruption feild. It is basically a strong localised AG feild so if you slash someone's neck, their head flies off instead of merely cutting a large hole in the neck. Or if you punctre a lung instead of being a small wound it creates a huge one. The monomolecular part is only really to help in penatrating soft armour such as mild steel. They have a sharpening device in the sheath