Born an Egyptian around 1000 BC, Ramirez' birth name has long been lost in the sands of time. His first teacher is unknown, as is the date of his first death, though one of his teachers was the illustriosu Graham Ashe.
Ramirez had three wives in his lifetime, the last of which was Shakiko, daughter of master swordsmith Massamune. Who made the sword Ramirez would one day pass on to his best known student Connor MacLeod.
A great lover of life and all things fine, Ramirez had a penchant for fine wine and finer clothing. One particular piece of clothing a cloak made of peacock feathers, earned him the nickname "Spanish Peacock" from Connor. Spanish, refering to his time as Chief Mettalurgist to King Charles I of Spain.
Ramirez died by the Kurgan's hand while teaching Connor in 1541. He lives on as a legend.
You are an inspiration. Your prescense is missed. -Webmaster
Ramirez, my galant Ramirez. You were the epitome of immortal. You taught Connor well, in return, he taught Duncan well. Three of the greatest immortals to ever live. Thanks to you. Via con Dios. -Starllyn
Ramirez, you were the most charming of all Immortals and thanks to you,
Connor and then Duncan MacLeod became the greatest. I remember. -princess-of-the-universe