Mommy Dearest... (Spoilers for the Episode "Legacy") Opening scene is of nighttime in some foreign town other than the plateau. A man with a patch on his eye steps out of the shadows of night to meet a younger Asian man who gives him a box containing a medallion of some sort, which the man calls the 'Ouroboros.' The man grasps the 'Ouroboros' and comments to himself, 'at last I can return to the plateau, and this time, no one can stop me.' Onto the plateau- Veronica is clasping the medallion of her mothers (that the man in the village gave her in a previous episode) and it seems to guide her on a path through the forest, with Roxton, Finn, and Marguerite trailing behind her.
Veronica reaches an opening and comes to a statue of some sort, she inspects it, and claims to the others that she has been there before. She finds an opening in the statue that looks like a keyhole for her pendant and inserts the pendant into it. Nothing happens for a few moments, but then, as it always does, something happens and a ray of light shines from the area of her pendant causing her to become unconscious. (Opening Credits Roll) (Veronica's Dream Sequence) We see a scraggly jungle girl (Veronica) coming upon her mother who is painting. Veronica's mother looks miraculously like grown up Veronica! ah the wonders of television. Her mother talking to herself says she thinks she hears a monkey (knowing of course that it's her daughter) and turns around to grab her. Veronica giggles and claims that she's an Avatar Warrior, to which her mother replies there are no such things.(End Dream) In the real world, Finn, Marguerite and Roxton attend to Veronica. (Back to the dream) This time young Veronica is running around with her father, finding various plants and herbs. While walking around, practicing times tables, Veronica's father hears something, and a warrior of some type appears in their path. (End Dream) Finn is investigating the area where Veronica put her pendant, it is glowing red, and she suggest perhaps they should try to stop it, or turn it off. (Dream) The warrior man comes closer to them, Veronica's father tells the man that he has no right to be there, and that they made an agreement with his leader. The warrior says 'the protector is dying, the line must be preserved,' and begins to come closer, Veronica's father attacks the man, but the warrior quickly has her father on the ground. Veronica runs up to the man and begins hitting him on the back screaming 'leave my father alone,' the warrior gets up and stands as if he were standing to attention. Veronica asks who the man is, and her father replies that he is an Avatar Warrior, her father then tells Veronica to tell the man to 'get out of their way, and not to stop them.' The warrior follows Veronica's command and backs away.(End Dream) Roxton pops the necklace medallion out of the keyhole, but nothing seems to change with Veronica, and so Roxton and Marguerite head off to bring Challenger back. (Dream) Veronica and her father return to there campgrounds to find out that Avatar Warriors have been there and have taken Veronica's mother. A group of the people there gather up to begin looking for her. Out in the jungle an Avatar Warrior walks along and is suddenly grabbed by the man we saw at the start with an eye patch (Mordren), however now, he isn't wearing one. The man demands to know where the 'protector' is, the Avatar Warrior refuses to tell him, and Mordren slits the warriors throat. (End Dream) In the jungle (the mighty jungle) Finn walks around talking to Veronica as if she were conscious. Then all of a sudden, Veronica does become conscious, complaining of having weird dreams. Finn claims the shaman that gave her the pendant must have set a trap for her, but Veronica claims it wasn't a trap, but instead, a message. (Dream) Mordren makes his way to the treehouse and demands that one of the men there tell him where the woman that lives there, 'the protector, the one who where's a pendant around her neck,' is. The man at the treehouse claims he doesn't know who the man wants, Mordren screams 'she wears a pendant at her neck, a pyramid of light rising from the storm, whosoever wields the eye of heaven controls the plateau, you know who I mean!' The man yells for help, and for the others to tell Mr. Layton this man is after his wife. Mordren shoots the man, and all the others, then saying to himself, 'the protector has a mate.' (End Dream) Back in reality, Roxton and Marguerite have another one of their confusing conversations. Roxton asking Marguerite if she thinks things will ever be the same between them, and Marguerite running away and changing the subject. Marguerite claims Roxton doesn't even know her, and Roxton claims he does, making a nice little speech about how he knows what she did during the war, and all the hardships she's had to endure, ect ect, and that he loves her.
Back at the clearing where the statue is Veronica and Finn are still discussing her past. (Flashback) Veronica's father hides her and heads forward on his own to meet an Amazon woman, in discussion the woman claims that he doesn't know the value of his daughter, and he says he does. He wants to make sure that they would take care of his daughter if he should die or disappear. While Mordren and Veronica hide in the bushes, in further conversation between Veronica's father and the Amazon woman, we learn that Veronica's Grandmother is in a place called 'Avalon' where the protector of the plateau resides, and that she is dying, therefore the Avatar Warriors have come to take Veronica's mother to Avalon, because she is her mothers successor, and Veronica will be her mothers successor. Veronica's father claims they had an agreement with the Avalon elders that Veronica's mother wouldn't have to go until Veronica was of age. Apparently Veronica's father plans to go to Avalon to try and get his wife back, and he wants Veronica to stay at the Amazon village. (End Flashback) Veronica can't understand why she hasn't remembered things that way, but she thinks maybe her mind just refused to remember things the way they actually happened, and she thinks that now her mother is trying to send her a message. Guess who pops up behind them, none other than Mordren, Finn asks who he is, and he says, 'Veronica, surely you remember who I am.' (Flashback time)
Veronica is sitting in the middle of nowhere toying with a doll, and she looks up to see their air balloon, she heads over to where the balloon landed to find her mother and father have indeed returned.
Her mother greets her, and explains why she must go away again, saying that she was born on the plateau, and her mother before her and so on, that they are the children of the plateau, and they must protect it.
Mordren jumps out behind an amazon warrior who was accompanying Veronica, and stabs her, saying to himself 'the role of the protectors is finished, the plateau is mine.'
Veronica realizing who he is exclaims 'you killed my father,' hearing this Finn takes aim at him with her crossbow, but Mordren knocks Finn out. Mordren demands that Veronica give him the Trion necklace, but Veronica refuses, and discovers that he can't take it from her, she has to give it to him. Mordren then threatens to kill Finn if she doesn't give it to him, and Veronica says she'll give it to him, after he answers her questions. On their way to help Veronica Roxton, Marguerite, and Challenger get tangled up with a T-rex, and are forced to hide in a cave to escape it. Back with Mordren, Veronica's first question 'how does my mother protect the plateau?'
Mordren laughs at her and says 'you don't know?'
Huddled in the cave the T-rex has finally let up on them and Roxton, Marguerite, and Challenger head out again. Back at the statue Mordren demands no more questions, the Trion, or Finn dies, Veronica says that if he lays one hand on her, he'll never breath again. Mordren claims he's protected by the power of the Oroboros, Veronica throws her necklace at the Oroboros, breaking it, and then attacks Mordren. Fists, and knives, and words go a flying until finally it all comes down to Veronica and Mordren locked together each holding the same knife trying to stab one another, Veronica prevails and stabs Mordren in the stomach (who would have thunk it).
Of course, too little, too late, just as Veronica stabs Mordren, Roxton, Challenger, and Marguerite finally arrive.
The epilogue scene isn't worth much mentioning, just Veronica reminiscing about her parents, and the others comforting her, the final scene is of Veronica standing near the statue saying, 'when it's time for me to do, whatever it is I'm supposed to do, I know now that you'll come to me.' |