Plateau Population: Forever Rising (spoilers for the episode "Suspicion") The episode begins not with our group of explorers, but instead, yet another group of explorers, archeologists to be exact, who have made their way to the plataeu. Campbell, Hamilton, and Harper along with a group of no more than ten have established a dig apparently somewhere near the treehouse. They are exploring a cave when they come across a hat, and what do you think that hat said?, "made exclusively for Arthur Summerlee!" As well there seems to be something hiding behind a primitive wall in the cave, Hamilton prepares to take it down, but Cambell insists they photograph the wall before demolishing it, he takes off to retrieve the camera crew. However Hamilton has idea's of his own, and proceeds to tear down the wall. The wall reveals a large urn type object with a metal seal around it. Harper opens it to find a skull, she picks up the skull (with bare hands, which most smart archeologists wouldn't, but anyhow) and begins to shake and convulse onto the floor, the skull shatters. (Opening Credits Roll)Campbell returns with the camera only to have Hamilton tell him that there was a cave in, and Harper is lost, nice guy. Instead, Harper comes stammering out of the cave moments later. Campbell advises the other men to get Harper back to camp, Hamilton contradicts him, but drops the subject when Campbell questions 'what really happened' in the cave. We cut to the treehouse, where Finn is doing none other than being taught to read by Challenger, their book of choice, "Alice in Wonderland." There are some references to how Finn is sort of like Alice; being transported into a different world. Finn becomes a critic in record time, her deductions?,- Alice should have taken weapons with her- a couple of knives, maybe even a crossbow. Roxton and Marguerite are mentioned, and Challenger says they shouldn't be back for two days. Marguerite and Roxton burst onto the screen, seems they've gotten themselves into a game of tag.......with a raptor. They're forced to surrender a picnic basket to the raptor in order to get away. We cut back to the archeologists camp where Campbell is analyzing some writing on the metal band that fastened the urn. Hamilton comes up to him and begins a discussion in which we find out that the band says 'don't release the dead' and apparently a demon within the urn is supposed to be able to pass from body to body by touch. Sound original? I think not... Campbell accuses Hamilton of leaving Harper in the cave because he thought she was possessed, Hamilton claims Campbell is simply jealous. Harper awakes and begs for help, Campbell goes to her for support.....and touches her hand. A tree appears on the screen.....stays there for a moment.....we stare at the tree...then, out jumps Marguerite and Roxton, apparently they spent the night in the tree out of reach of raptors. There's a moment where Marguerite goes to hug Roxton, and he winces from the pain of sleeping in a tree, but when she pulls back he realizes she was hurt by that, and insists for her to continue. They hear a shot ring out, and run off to find its point of origin. They come across the archeologists campgrounds to find nearly all of the crew slaughtered and laying about the camp, mangled and torn. Campbell and Hamilton are lying on the ground across from each other, pointing pistols at one another. Each accuses the other of slaughtering the camp, and being possessed, Roxton threatens to shoot both of them if they don't put down their pistols already. He goes to aid Campbell's wound, Marguerite follows him, but Hamilton jumps up and stops her, claiming that Campbell was possessed, but now that Roxton touched him, he is. Marguerite and Roxton step aside to talk, Roxton mentions that Hamilton said they had a map somewhere in the camp that led them through the caves. (yet another way home...) Marguerite takes a drink of water, and when Roxton reaches his hand out to take the canteen, she sits it on a tree stump, instead of having contact with him.... Back at the treehouse, Challenger is moving his pet insect (Arthur) into a new tank. Finn asks if he's going to eat it, make jewelry of it, or what, and then attempts to cut it up and eat it, but Challenger stops her in time, explaining that Arthur is like a part of the family, Scientists and their bugs.... There's a cry of help outside the treehouse, and they head out to see who's there. It's Harper, our female archeologist friend. After telling her story, Challenger remarks that he's stunned an entire archeological expedition could descend on the plateau without him knowing.....well, so am I! Harper claims a demon was chasing her, hence the reason she was running and came across the treehouse. Challenger agrees to help her, and the camera makes a point of getting a close up of a handshake between Challenger, and Harper. Travel back to the archeologists camp where Marguerite once again refuses to touch Roxton when he offers her a cup of coffee. Roxton accuses her of thinking he's possessed, but she takes a leap, and touches him, saying "you're the same man you've always been, I can see it in your eyes." Hamilton comes up behind Roxton, and knocks him down first, then Marguerite, he wraps a belt around Roxtons throat, and starts to choke him, Marguerite draws her pistol on him, and threatens to shoot him, she fires to the side, and Roxton knocks Hamilton back to free himself. Oh, but now Campbell comes out with a gun and threatens to shoot Roxton if Marguerite doesn't drop her gun. There's a round of accusations, is Marguerite possessed, is Roxton possessed, is Hamilton possessed? Campbell explains that the demon will have to get tired of one body sooner or later, and so they all sit down and wait. Once again, back to the treehouse where Challenger has modified a "mine detector" (metal detector) to detect electromagnetic fields (supposedly the demon). Finn can't seem to understand why Challenger would willingly go help this person, and coming from her world that's understandable, but Challenger explains 'with knowledge comes responsibility.' Challenger mentions the mine detector may come in handy for finding metal at the archeological dig, if nothing more. Marguerite and Roxton are getting uneasy back at the camp. It's at that point that Hamilton decides to mention finding the Summerlee hat in the cave, subsequently Roxton and Marguerite demand they take them there. Once there Roxton picks up one of the metal bands that held the urn, Marguerite is able to translate it better than Campbell, and reads it to say that the demon in the urn was the leader of a bunch of demons, and they deduct that the demon may be looking for the rest of his companions. Campbell gets jumpy, and claims that Marguerite is possessed because she could read the writing on the band, he aims to fire at her, and is stopped by Hamilton, who wrestles the rifle away from him, and shoots him, Campbell falls to the ground. Hamilton then claims it's all over, as long as no one touches Campbell's body, the demon will stay trapped in it. Challenger, Finn, and Harper are making their way to the archeologists camp, Harper seems to forget which way she came, but Challenger seems to know just where to go.... At the camp Hamilton mentions 'poor Campbell, he knew I could always best him." This sparks Roxton and Marguerites attention, they question if Campbell knew that Hamilton could best him, then the demon should have too, and should have jumped into Hamilton.......there was no demon in Campbell.....Hamilton killed an innocent man. Finn, and Harper finally make their way to the camp. When Finn mentions Challenger has gone into the cave with his "mine detector," which detects metal, Marguerite, Roxton, and Hamilton realize the demon was looking for someone smart enough, who had the knowledge to help him find his friends (the other demons). They run into the cave to find Challenger marking X's on the ground, Roxton confronts him and tells him "come into me." (so he won't have to shoot Challenger) Roxton hits him, and Challengers voice starts to become deep and loud, Finn aims her crossbow at Challenger and claims she doesn't really know Challenger, and wouldn't have a problem killing him, but instead she leans over to the 'mine detector,' and turns it all the way up. The cave starts to shake and fall apart, Hamilton runs up to Challenger and grabs him (touching him), saying 'come into me.' The demon goes into Hamilton, and Harper goes to him, they grab hold of one another so that the demon keeps bouncing back and forth between them. Challenger, Finn, Marguerite, and Roxton make their way out of the cave, as it completely falls, Harper, and Hamilton are crushed. Once they get far enough away Finn looks at everyone with a look of desperation and asks 'so, is this like a regular day for you guys or what?' everyone grins. After everyone catches their breath, Marguerite mentions the map, and Roxton says it was in Hamilton's backpack (big SURPRISE!).. Marguerite asks Finn if she would have really shot Challenger, Finn claims she would have, but Marguerite says she 'I don't believe you, when you first arrived you might have been able to do it, but not today," Finn says, "not today, but who knows about tomorrow."
(Credits Roll, Music Plays) |