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The MacMINT Asylum

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Highlander Pictures
November, 2001

Posted 10/31/2001 [November Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum November Newsletter, 2001.
In this month's issue:

* Birthdays for November
* The Asylum has Moved
* Peter Wingfield in "The Miracle of the Cards"
* Adrian Paul Mentions Peter as Guest Star for "Tracker"

* * *

- Birthdays for November.
11.01 - Maeve (PC#3)
11.01 - Titania (PC#45)
11.01 - Morgana (PC#79)
11.02 - Norma Kaye (PC#111)
11.04 - Cassandra (PC#42)
11.05 - Nicole (PC#89)
11.12 - Leilani (PC#94)
11.13 - Spirit Dancing (PC#29)
11.13 - micky (PC#35)
11.13 - Elisabeth Molly (PC#92)
11.15 - Flynn MacLair (PC#20)
11.15 - Morgana Lefay (PC#121)
11.19 - Easterly (PC#100)
11.20 - Erchomenos (PC#134)
11.26 - Katchoo aka Kelci (PC#72)
11.27 - Ms. Madness (PC#154)
11.28 - Laura (PC#31)
11.28 - Elizabeth (PC#32)
11.29 - Jenna B. (PC#68)
11.30 - Whipped Cream Goddess (PC#81)

Happy birthday to all patients with November birthdays! If your birthday is in November and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

Also, I've had several errors on form submissions for new submissions to the Asylum. Even if you know you sent your birthday with your submission, if you want your birthday listed, please check out your cell to make sure it's there. If it's not, there was an error in the form. You can resend your birth date to jamwired@home.com. Thanks!

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- The Asylum has Moved. Update your bookmarks: https://www.angelfire.com/scifi2/macmint/

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- Peter Wingfield in "The Miracle of the Cards."

Peter will be in the upcoming Pax movie "The Miracle of the Cards." Its air date is Saturday, November 10th. For a brief synopsis, check out Pax's website at http://paxtv.com/movies/. Images and a trailer for the movie can be found at http://catherineoxenberg.com/themiracleofthecards/index.html.

* * *

- Adrian Paul Mentions Peter as Guest Star for "Tracker."

The Full article can be found at http://www.scifi.com/sfw/current/interview2.html.

"Are there plans for any of the Highlander gang to drop by for a guest shot?

"Paul: There are ideas of it. It depends on when and where [we'd be able to do it]. I'm actually talking right now to see if I can get Peter Wingfield in the next episode. He was up to play Zin as the big bad guy, but then we have Geraint Wyn Davies from Forever Knight in that part. So we have a good cast. We have good guest stars. And some great actors from Toronto that we've used. We have another young girl who is one of the recurring characters by the name of Leanne Wilson, who plays Jess. And then there's Richard Yearwood, who we have as a new character in show four who's like an Eddie Murphy type. He's very funny."

* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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