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Methos Quotes
Highlander Pictures
August, 2000

Posted 7/31/2000 [August Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum August Newsletter, 2000.
In this month's issue:

*Birthdays for August
*HL: Endgame Movie Trailers
*An Evening at Joe's (New HL Book)
*Man Who Used to be Me Photos
*Stargate Photos
*OT: I'm moving home addresses

* * *

- Birthdays for August.

8/8 - hmpf (PC#76)
8/10 - Meanthos (PC#21)
8/11 - Amand-r (PC#48)
8/11 - Patti Butler (PC#113)
8/12 - Kara Vi (PC#41)
8/15 - Sam I Am 74 (PC#69)
8/16 - Sailor Nymph (PC#54)
8/18 - Lady Isis (PC#74)
8/19 - Lucinda Simon (PC#86)
8/22 - Stacie Marie (PC#12)
8/24 - Zzickle (PC#52)
8/26 - Tammy Z (PC#34)
8/28 - Titania Paris (PC#133)
8/29 - Eirawen (PC#10)
8/29 - Cinnamon Blaze (PC#11)
8/29 - Star Dancing (PC#33)
8/30 - Felina (PC#110)

Happy birthday to all patients with August birthdays! If your birthday is in August and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

* * *

- HL: Engame Movie Trailers.

There are two HL: Endgame movie trailers now available to download from the net. They can both be found at http://www.movie-list.com/h/highlanderendgame.shtml Quicktime trailer B has more Methos in it and has him speaking.

You'll need Quicktime to view the trailers, which if you don't have it can be found at www.quicktime.com

There are also some screen captures and the Methos sound file from trailer B at http://www.imethos.com/endgame/

* * *

- An Evening at Joe's (New HL Book)

An Evening at Joe's
by [10]Gillian Horvath (Editor)

Our Price: $12.95

Paperback - 304 pages (September 2000)
Berkley Publishing Group; ISBN: 0425177491
Availability: This title usually ships within 4-6 weeks. Please note that titles occasionally go out of print or publishers run out of stock. We will notify you within 2-3 weeks if we have trouble obtaining this title.
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 7,832
Review Contest ____________________________________________________________

Editorial Reviews

Book Description
In one of the year's most unusual media tie-in events, the cast, crew and writers of a smash-hit TV series turn their creative talents to writing original fiction based on their own show. The show is television's popular Highlander series. And these are the stories that have remained untold until now: character histories by the actors who play them...spin-offs of favorite episodes...plots that exist only in the producer's imagination. These all-new adventures of Duncan MacLeod and the Immortals offer a once-in-a-lifetime look inside the minds of the people who know Highlander best-because they created Highlander...
An Evening at Joe's includes short fiction by:
Don Anderson (Assistant Props Master)
Roger Bellon (Composer)
Dennis Berry (Director)
Laura Brennan (Script Coordinator)
Jim Byrnes ("Joe Dawson")
Anthony De Longis ("Otavio Consone")
Ken Gord (Producer)
Gillian Horvath (Associate Creative Consultant)
Peter Hudson ("James Horton")
Stan Kirsch ("Richie Ryan")
Donna Lettow (Associate Creative Consultant)
F. Braun McAsh (Swordmaster and "Hans Kershner")
Valentine Pelka ("Kronos")
Peter Wingfield ("Methos")

About the Author
Gillian Horvath was Associate Creative Consultant on Highlander: The Series for five of its six seasons.

* * *

- Man Who Used to be Me Photos

Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 12:25:42 -0700
From: Merrie Gail <merriegf@#####>
Subject: [ROG] Pics - The Man Who Used to be me

I have a page of pics from PW's film up. They will stay up for a couple of weeks. I'm getting ready to move the Mehri's Mountain site.


Merrie Gail (The Elder Merrie)

* * *

- Stargate Photos.

As many of you know, Peter recently guest-starred in an episode of Showtime's Stargate series; the episode was titled "Crossroads." The Methos Boxer Brigade has some images of Peter in "Crossroads" on their site. The photos can be found at http://www.pynhavyn.com/mbb/stargate/stargate.htm

* * *

- OT: I'm moving home addresses.

I know several Asylum members have my home address. I normally wouldn't post something this off topic here, but I just wanted to send out a notice to people who have my home address not to send anything to that address any more. I'll be moving this weekend and will be in temporary housing for the next few months. If you have my old home address and would like the new one as soon as it's permanent, email me and I'll put you on my list. Thanks!

* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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