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Highlander Pictures
August, 1999

Posted 8/1/1999 [August Newsletter]

Birthdays for August are as follows:

8/8 - hmpf (PC#76)
8/10 - Meanthos (PC#21)
8/11 - Amand-r (PC#48)
8/12 - Kara Vi (PC#41)
8/15 - Sam I am 74 (PC#69)
8/16 - Solar Nymph (PC#54)
8/18 - Lady Isis (PC#74)
8/19 - Lucinda Simon (PC#86)
8/22 - Stacie Marie (PC#12)
8/24 - Zzickle (PC#52)
8/26 - Tammy Z (PC#34)
8/29 - Cinnamon Blaze (PC#11)
8/29 - Eirawen (PC#10)
8/29 - Star Dancing (PC#33)

Wow! That's a whole hullabaloo of birthdays! Don't forget to wish your clan sisters a Happy Birthday this month! If your birthday is in August and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list please e-mail me so that I can fix it! :)

The Asylum has moved. The new URL is http://www2.crosswinds.net/~macmint/index.html. Please update your bookmarks.

The Asylum now has 104 patients! Woohoo! This calls for a celebration! Yeah, yeah, I've been saying that for a few months now. I just have to come up with some new prizes for the contest I'm planning. Anyone have any ideas?

Also, I'm still looking for these email addresses from patients. They stopped working sometime after the person was institutionalized. If anyone knows any of these persons new addresses, please email me. Thanks! :)

Silver Moon shastabrooke@juno.com
Elizabeth ThereCanBeOnly_One
Debra Campbell WrkVillian@aol.com

* * *

And now for a special announcement from Nutmeg (PC#5):

Hi, remember me? Nutmeg? Sorry I haven't been around in a while, but I have been *very* busy! With what? With organizing a convention! Some of you may have already seen this announcement posted elsewhere, but I just wanted to pass this along. I probably won't be around much for some time to come -- when my friends and I decided we could organize a convention, I don't think we realized just how insane we were or just how much work it would require.

About the invited guest list -- it's not final, there will be more invites (you don't think I'd have a con and not invite PW, do you?), but we're still in the budgeting stages and just started inviting guests. As you can see, we're not even selling tickets yet! We just wanted to get the word out there so that anyone who is interested in going can get hotel rooms and make sure that weekend is free.

Anyway, on to the official announcement!

Timeless Charities is happy to announce Legacy 2000!

Legacy 2000 is a Highlander convention that will take place on May 26-29, 2000, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.

Legacy is being designed to not only let you enjoy your favorite stars, but to give you a behind the scenes look at the creation of Highlander. Our program will include:

-Question & Answers with the guests
-Mixed panels with writers, directors or other production people.
-Sword classes and stage combat presentations.
-and there's more!

We are currently contacting our proposed guests, but we can announce that we have invited:

-Adrian Paul
-Jim Byrnes
-F. Braun McAsh
-Bob Chapin
-and we're not done! You'll just have to stay tuned!

Please note that these actors have been invited, but are not yet confirmed. All appearances will be subject to professional commitments.

Please call 1-800-THE-OMNI or (202) 234-0700 and ask for Reservations. The Legacy 2000 block rate is:

$99 Single/Double per night,
$119 for Triples/Quads per night

The Legacy Block will be held until April 26, 2000. You must secure your reservations with a major credit card or one night's deposit in advance, and you must mention "Legacy Convention 2000" to get this convention rate. Make your reservations now! Memorial Day weekend is a popular time to visit Washington!

Registration will begin very soon! Please join our announcement list. You can subscribe directly from the website at http://www.legacycon.org, or, send a blank email message to mailto:LegacyCon-subscribe@topica.com.


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