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Highlander Pictures
September, 1999

Posted 8/28/1999 [Asylum September Newsletter]

Birthdays for September are as follows:

9/2 - Quink MacFru (PC#19)
9/2 - Eowyn (PC#65)
9/4 - Adri (PC#7)
9/6 - Draconian (PC#64)
9/11 - Farquarson (PC#87)
9/12 - immortal_one2 (PC#22)
9/12 - RabidKiwi (PC#38)
9/14 - Destiny (PC#61)
9/15 - Atalanta (PC#60)
9/18 - vixen69 (PC#84)
9/21 - Analise (PC#59)
9/22 - Alicia Dodson (PC#80)
9/30 - Kimmielvr (PC#63)

Don't forget to wish your clan sisters a Happy Birthday this month! If your birthday is in September and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please e-mail me so that I can fix it! :)

The Asylum now has 107 patients (100 female patients, 7 males)! Woohoo!

I'm sending this newsletter earlier than normal because I need some information for the new contest that will be starting in September. Last month someone suggested using acronyms for a contest. I'm using this idea, but I need this person to email me. I've lost your original email, and I need to give you credit! I also have two questions for anyone who's familiar with a Mac. They have to do with saving an image and setting an image as wallpaper. If you may be able to help, please email me. :)

And I'm still looking for these email addresses from patients. They stopped working sometime after the person was institutionalized. If anyone knows any of these persons new addresses, please email me. Thanks! :)

Silver Moon shastabrooke@juno.com
Elizabeth ThereCanBeOnly_One
Debra Campbell WrkVillian@aol.com

Posted 8/31/1999 [MacMINT Asylum Contest 3]

[Contest 3 was announced.]

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