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Padded Cell #21

Name: Meanthos; Asylum Keeper of the Queen and Springsteen CD Library
Date of Birth: 08.10

Meanthos was committed on August 22, 1998 due to her constant playing of Queen and Springsteen CDs to the point where her hearing was shot. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and was committed immediately.

Padded Cell #22

Name: immortal_one2; Asylum Counsellor and Consultant of Methos and the Patients
Date of Birth: 09.12

immoral_one2 was committed on August 24, 1998 due to the fact that she is unable to face reality without living in the Highlander world; she has inherited two other personalities to deal with her uncontrollable obsession and her fits of Highlander rages when she cannot watch her episodes. She has wallpapered her room with Highlander frus, including the ceiling, and she wanted a straightjacket to add to her fall fashion collection. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #23

Name: bkwrm (aka vic); Asylum Cleaner Upper Of Anything Blue
Date of Birth: 12.17

Bkwrm was comitted on August 30, 1998 dut to the inability to go anywhere else on the net but to HL related sites and waking up each morning to check the forums, and double checking each before going to sleep at night. She is extremely compulsive about all things Methos. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #24

Name: Watcher too; Asylum Hanger of Fru Wallpaper
Date of Birth: 10.10

Watcher too was committed on August 30, 1998 due to co-workers concerned by, and heartily sick of, her incessant Methos quotations in a very bad British accent, her near bankruptcy due to purchases of color printer cartridges to print all the frus found on the Forum which she uses to wallpaper her cubicle, and the fear that she may actually locate a tatoo artist familiar with Highlander and get a Watcher tattoo on her wrist. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately. Drunk Methos

Padded Cell #25

Name: redwing; Asylum Groomer of "Death's" Horse
Date of Birth: 07.16

Redwing was committed on August 30, 1998 due to an endless tapeloop in her brain of Methos' hand sliding up Cassandra's thigh overriding all other input. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #26

Name: Maia; Asylum Kama Sutra Expert
Date of Birth: 03.20

Maia was committed on August 31, 1998 due to extreme physical activity with Methos. She had become addicted so much that no medication seemed to help. Institutionalization seemed to be the only option. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Casa De Methos

Padded Cell #27

Name: Dawn Carpenter; Asylum Tailor
Date of Birth: 01.07

Dawn was committed on September 1, 1998 due to obsessive tendencies towards anything having to do with Peter Wingfield. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #28

Name: Liz; Asylum Flicker of Syringe Needle Points
Date of Birth: 04.13

Liz was committed on September 2, 1998 due to a total lack of muscle control, causing her to ooze off the couch whenever Methos was on the screen in all his glory. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #29

Name: Spirit Dancing; Asylum Massage Therapist to the ROG
Date of Birth: 11.13

Alexianne was committed on September 10, 1998 due to uncontrollable giggling and cooing whenever Methos was mentioned. She generally loses all control at the mere thought of Methos. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately. Courtesy Noah's Ark Homepage

Piped in by request:

Padded Cell #30

Name: Storm MacDrake; Asylum Brewer of the Asylum Beer
Date of Birth: 02.28

Storm MacDrake was committed on September 16, 1998 when, after a day spent doing some spectacular manipulating, she was no longer sure if she wanted to be with Methos, or if she was Methos. She drinks. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

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