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Methos Quotes
Highlander Pictures
"Finale II"
Jacques: It's a disaster! Wait a minute. Salzer's wife gets our records and goes to the papers? How the hell could you let this happen?!
Joe: Jacques, no one let it happen, okay?
Jacques: That database that you and Salzer made wasn't sanctioned!
Methos: It was something new. It would have been useful.
Jacques: Why? Because some pissant grad student thinks so and screws up the Watcher system that has worked for thousands of years? Security is the reason we stay separate! So that one idiot won't compromise us all!
Joe: Look, you cannot blame this whole thing on Adam.
Jacques: No. I can blame you. Europe's my territory. If you didn't have the stomach to kill her, you should have told me.
Joe: I tried to shoot her.
Jacques: Evidently not hard enough.
Methos: I don't think this is helping anything.
Joe: You weren't there, pal!
Jacques: No, if I was she'd be dead. Next time I'll know to send a man.
Joe: You son of a bitch! (Joe punches Jacques. Jacques returns the favor.)
Methos: Everyone feel better now? Why don't we try something useful? You okay?
Joe: Yeah.
Methos: He's got quite a temper in him.
Joe: A wicked right cross too.
* * *
Methos: Is it okay if I drop you at the hotel?
Joe: Sure. Where you gonna go?
Methos: Tribune. I'm gonna see Clancy.
Joe: The editor? You can't stop this now.
Methos: Spin control. I can answer a few questions maybe reduce the hysteria.
Joe: Straight into the lion's den, huh? What makes you think you're going to come out alive?
Methos: I've got a lot to offer. Five-thousand years of history, Joe. I was there.
Joe: History's been written. People have been known to kill the messenger that waltzes in with a new version of the truth.
Methos: Why would I tell the truth?
* * *
Methos: Thought you'd be packed and on the plane to somewhere.
Amanda: See? I tried that already. Didn't work.
Duncan: What's up?
Methos: Clancy, the editor of the Tribune, is dead. So's Christine Salzer.
Duncan: How?
Methos: I didn't do it. Someone got there ahead of me.
Duncan: The disk.
Methos: Gone. Computer was wiped clean.
Amanda: You don't think it was Joe?
Methos: Nah, he had his chance. It wasn't him.
Amanda: Then who was it?
Methos: My guess is one of the Watchers, a local named Vemus.
Duncan: Has anybody spoken to him?
Methos: Not yet, but it wouldn't surprise me if he denied it.
Amanda: Well, a double murder isn't something most people would admit to. I'm glad it's over.
Duncan: Maybe it's not. There's still someone out there. Kalas.
Amanda: How will he know about this? I mean, I know he's dangerous, but aren't you being a little paranoid?
Duncan: Maybe. Tell me more about this Vemus.
* * *
Methos: Did I miss something?
Amanda: Let him tell you.
Duncan: Let's take a walk.
* * *
Methos: Clever. We don't know where he is, and even if we did, he'd feel us coming and upload the files. Can't see that he's left any doors open.
Duncan: Just one.
Methos: I was in Rome once, ninety-three AD, Coliseum, I saw Christians facing the lions. Some of them looked almost happy to die for their faith.
Duncan: Your point or we just strolling down memory lane here?
Methos: But afterwards the only ones looking happy were the lions.
Duncan: This isn't about faith.
Methos: No, it's about sacrifice. It's a hell of a thing to be a martyr, MacLeod, and that's what Kalas wants; he's pushing all your buttons.
Duncan: Well, I'm open to suggestions; enlighten me.
Methos: Maybe Amanda's right; you fight your best fight.
Duncan: What, every man for himself and to hell with the rest?
Methos: So what if the world finds out. Life is about change, civilizations rise and fall.
Duncan: This isn't about civilizations, this is about people. Amanda, Dawson, Richie. Our world is not an ant farm.
Methos: *The passion of youth.* (finale1.aif - 88K)
Duncan: Boys will be boys.
Methos: And *every cloud has a silver lining.* (finale2.aif - 76K)
Duncan: What d'you mean?
Methos: If you die Amanda will be free to date.
Duncan: That's a comfort.
The passion of youth.
* * *
Duncan: Any news?
Joe: Well, we know that Martin was on the Rue de Mars near the Eiffel Tower. That only leaves about a thousand places that Kalas could be.
Duncan: Any chance of finding him before the deadline?
Joe: Zip.
Duncan: That's it then.
Joe: I'm sorry, Mac. It's Kalas's play.
Methos: Whatever happens, he wins. (The phone rings. Duncan ignores it.) That'll be the phone.
* * *
Joe: So, what do we drink to?
Methos: How about the wonders of modern technology?
Amanda: To MacLeod, still in one lovely piece.
Joe: I'll drink to that.
Duncan: Fitzcairn and Paul.
Amanda: To old friends.
Duncan: And new ones.
Joe: Oh, Mac, I thought you might be interested in this. (Gives Duncan burned Watcher disc.)
Duncan: Better late than never.
Amanda: Sorry, champagne makes me so sleepy.
Joe: Time to leave.
Amanda: Oh no, not on my account. Really.
Methos: I'll have another then. Tomorrow. Come on, buddy. Let's see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into.
Joe: Good night.
Amanda: Be good.
Duncan: Good night, Joe. Good night, Methos.

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