Senu Yivokuchi Corpus

Two English poems

The useless dawn finds me in a deserted streetcorner; I have outlived the night.
Nights are proud waves: darkblue topheavy waves laden with all hues of deep spoil, laden with things unlikely and desirable.

"Two English Poems", I, from Jorge Luis Borges, "El otro, el mismo"

Running translation

Ceduyuer azaguiri jhare e ubado inic ferkia; e fanaikhe yiyuech.
Yue chod choda suyatade: eleakhul libri laela chodade pruren vebra ciuga liliy deri, pruren more more kakchu feingawa.

Interlinear translation

1. Ceduyuer azaguiri jhare e ubado inca ferkia;
   ceduyuer azaguir-i   jhar-e   e  um- pado  -0   inic   fer  -k  -ia
   dawn     useless-DEF find-PRS 1s ESS-corner-CON street leave-TRA-PAP

2. e fanaikhe yiyuech.
   e  fanaikh    -e   yi- yue  -ch
   1s outlive+PRF-PRS GEN-night-DEF

3. Yue chod choda suyatade:
   yue   chod=chod suyat-a  =de
   night wave.DUP  proud-NDF=COP

4. eleakhul libri laela chodade
   e=  leakhul   li- bri l-  ael  chod-a  =de
   MPH=dark_blue COM-top COM-full wave-NDF=COP

5. pruren vebra ciuga liliy deri,
   prur -en  vebr -a   ciug-a   li- liy der-i
   carry-ACP spoil-NDF deep-NDF COM-hue all-DEF

6. pruren more more kakchu feingawa.
   prur -en  more=more kakchu   feingaw  -a
   carry-ACP thing.DUP unlikely desirable-NDF