Senu Yivokuchi Corpus

This corpus is a set of texts written in Yivokuchi. Most of them are translations of other texts (poems, sayings, short stories) originally written in a natural language. There are also texts I wrote myself directly in Yivokuchi. In all cases there's an English translation.

The texts are displayed in a manner that is common in grammar books, and which has been adopted by language hobbyists: the original text is given, then translated into Yivokuchi, and finally there's an 'interlinear translation' where each sentence and word is deconstructed, showing its root, grammatical marks such as cases, derivative affixes, etc. Some comments and notes usually follow, in order to clarify morphological oddities and glosses that are not obvious to the reader.

Radical elements are shown using the most appropriate gloss in English, while grammatical elements employ codes. There's a set of abbreviations used in interlinear glosses, which you should open in a separate window side to side with this one, if you're going to follow the texts.

There's no 'Babel text' in this corpus, as is usual (a Babel text is the customary translation of the part of the book of Genesis that tells about the infamous Tower), since that text is completely dull and uninspiring to me; there may be translations of biblical texts in the future, though, as well as texts from other holy and not-so-holy books.

The texts

Moments of transition: the last lines of G'Kar quoting G'Quon in Babylon 5, episode 66, "Z'ha'dum".

El juego ("The game"): a poem by Jorge Luis Borges (original in Spanish) on remote causes.

Una brújula ("A compass"): another Borges poem, on pantheism.

Two English poems: from one of the two, by Jorge Luis Borges.

Namárië: Galadriel's Lament in Lórien, from "The Lord of the Rings", by J. R. R. Tolkien.

Extract from the Dao De Jing: a passage from this enigmatic book of wisdom.

Yetie wo ("This Silence"): a haiku in Senu Yivokuchi (original, not translated, by P. D. F.).

Drinking Alone Under the Moon: a translation of an English translation of a poem by Li Bai (the Classical Chinese poet also know as Li Po).

Question and Answer on the Mountain: another poem by Li Bai.

La dicha ("Joy"): a poem by Jorge Luis Borges (original in Spanish) about the joy of love that renews the world.

Leaves of Grass: the short poem opening the book of the same name, by famous American poet Walt Whitman.

Bright Moon Above Tian Shan Mountain: yet another poem by Li Bai.

2001: A Space Odissey: the first paragraph of the first chapter of Arthur C. Clarke's masterpiece.

Dimat khu mawo ("Say Something Now"): another original poem, by P. D. F.

On Dragon Hill: n-th poem by Li Bai!

The Story of Beren and Lúthien: a fragment of this chapter of J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Silmarillion".

The Anti-Christ: the prologue of Nietzsche's critique of Christianity.

Prometheus Unbound: some verses by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

The Infinite Dream of Pao Yu: a short story by Tsao Tsue Kin, the great 18th century Chinese novelist (actually, a chapter of his masterpiece "The Dream of the Red Chamber").