OKAY, people. You still don't understand this site? Well, join the club, because I don't either!! Alright!! Now that we have this clear, I'm going to actually do all you poor pathetic souls a favor and look here for your questions. Alright? Okay!
What the heck is a dćmon?
A dćmon, for all your non-literary type chaps, is a concept introduced in the His Dark Materials series by Phillip Pullman. Everyone has one, and basically it's a physical manifestation of your soul. They can take on different animal shapes depending on your personality. They are usually the opposite gender as you.
What are Pokémon?
Wow, you have been hiding under a rock now, haven't you? Well, I'll tell you what... I won't explain what Pokémon are. Spend a day with a group of crazed second graders and you will discover it for yourself. HOWEVER, on this site, your dćmon is a Pokémon. Pick one and you can use it. And no, you may not use Digimon, you may not use Timeshifters, you may not use Medabots, and for the love of ice cream you may NOT use monsters from the Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game, because if you do I will just have to sic my Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon of Death on you and trust me, it won't turn out well for you.
What is Redwall?
Um... it involves cute fluffy mice and... food... hey, that's the best part, huh? Food, yeah. And... a sword thingy and a tapestry... something like that. The best part is that you can really mess up the universe, which is exactly what I'm doing right now. But all you need to know is that you can pick an animal, mineral, vegetable, or anything else and you can join my club, okay, so it doesn't really matter anyway!!!!
What is an SCV?
A ha, so you've met the SCV of Death. An SCV is one of the many units in the Real Time Strategy Masterpiece StarCraft. An SCV is a basic unit. It does like no damage. The SCV of Death, however, is a completely different story, so don't even think about escaping because he can catch you and... yeah.
I don't get the Imakuni song thing on the first page.
Imakuni is the second most coolest guy in the world. (Only Morpheus is cooler.) He exists in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Nobody knows much about him, but he wears pure black, and spends his time dancing and talking to himself in the corner of the room. That is, when he's not asking kids around the world, "Who is cuter, Pikachu or me?"
So what do we do if we join your club?
I don't know. But you do get to see yourself in all your glory on my cool member page, plus you get a PERSONALIZED special e-mail from yours truly, so that should be reason enough to join.
What is up with the spoons?
To be honest with you, it is a huge inside joke and I am not about to go into it. I do have a spoon hanging from my bedroom door, and I am very proud of it. Besides, spoons are so often overlooked and we need to do all we can to acknowledge them and their glee-filled existence... whatever that means... it sounds cool... yeah...