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ThE ReTuRn Of ThE ScV Of DeAtH

Before you know what you are doing, you find yourself rattling some pretty fat bars that are preventing you from leaving Pikestaff's realm of fun. "I just want to go home!" you lament. "Is that too much, too difficult to ask for!? Oy!"

And before you know what is happening, you hear THE SONG and that hovering space construction vehicle is back for more.

"Don't make me have to warn you again. Wasn't last time's visit enough? Or do you need me to say..."

"No!" you scream. "No more torture, please! Just what do I have to do to get out of here?"

"Umm... well... let me think here... uh... well, gee... nope. There's no way out."


"Oh, come now, it's not that bad. There are free Overlord rides every Christmas, and, um... oh, wait, that's after initiation! That's right. I forgot all about that. You'll like initiation. It involves melted Cadmium Chloride and..."

"Please!" You beg, "I'll do anything to escape this land of horrors!"



"Well, okay... Jump up and down and act like Al Gore."

You immediately comply. "I invented you! I invented Pikestaff's head! I am talking now! I have a cool beard! I invented beards! I invented fuzzy math! I invented pants! I invented..."

"That's enough, that's enough..." The SCV leans down so his vehicle is almost touching your head. Then he says...

"I didn't say Simon Says! Mua ha ha! Looks like you're stuck here for even longer now. And by the way... I can't build it, something's in the way!"


"That's right, grovel. But it won't get you anywhere. Now step aside, kid, I've got a missle turret to build."

Well, you tried again, and it didn't work. So click Here, please, and give it up already! Sheesh!