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Yes fellow computer geeks/users, it's that time of the year again! I'm not talking about the holidays. I'm talking about wiping and doing a reinstall of Windows. It seems that every year around this time, I start noticing signs that it's time to spend a day backing up, collecting updated drivers, gathering all the floppies and CD's of programs, and downloading patches. Ah, the joys of owning a computer.
In all honesty, I really hated doing a wipe and reinstall. Why? Well, I didn't know what I was doing!! It gets easier every time you do it. And I'm now getting a weird sense of satisfaction of wiping/reinstalling. Now don't get me wrong, I would rather be playing The Sims or Quake III or Diablo 2 than spending all day installing stuff, but it just has to be done.
So what are the signs that I see when it's time for me to wipe? Here's a list, see if you've noticed any of the same.
BSOD - blue screen of death.
Crashes - programs and Windows
Random lockups
Strange error messages
Programs taking longer to open and close
Boot up and shut down taking longer
A general feeling of your computer being slower
Installing and deleting lots of programs
A general feeling of frustration when using your computer
Having to constantly save your work due to a fear of a crash or lockup
Feeling or fear that your computer hates you
There are more signs but these are the ones that really stand out to me. I usually wipe and reinstall every year, except when I do something stupid to fubar it. And after I wipe, I can't believe how peppy my computer is! You really do notice a difference.
Sure, it's a pain, but it's worth it in the long run. It's all part of owning a computer. And believe me, you will enjoy your computer more when you're not wondering when the next crash will come.
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