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I know, I know...you already have at least one email account now, why would you want to get another one?
Well, let's talk about that for a bit. First, if you only have one, why should you get another one? Every time you fill out a form on the internet and give your email address (including here) the website's server gets your email address. Some websites (like this one) are pretty cool, they never give it out to anyone for any reason. But sooner or later, your email address will be given to someone who will SPAM you!
So you have three choices...never give out your email address, plan on getting SPAM, or have a throw-away email address that you use in public, and only give out your regular email address to those you trust. So that's one reason for having more than one email address.
What if you're at a friend's home and you'd like to check your email? With a web-based email account you can check your email from any web browser, anywhere, anytime.
How about when you're at work? Are you concerned about your privacy? Your employer may have the right to read the email you read and write while you're at work. With a web-based email account, all you have to do is clean out your web browsers cache and it will be almost impossible to read your email without a very large effort.
What if your ISP's mail server is down and you really need to send an email? It's nice to have a secondary email account at this time.
Do you share your 'puter with other people? Want to keep your email more private? Web-based email can do that.
As you can see, there are many reasons for having more than your primary email account. Sometimes, a web-based email account is just the ticket for that extra account.
There are many free web-based email services on the internet. Some are feature-rich, some only offer basic email, some require you to install their software (a very bad idea), some show you ads all the time, some don't allow attachments, and some are very slow to deliver the mail.
Here is what you get from PuterGeek.Com when you sign up for one of our free web-based email accounts...
You get six megs of disk space.
You can send attachments.
You can have your web-based account get copies of your primary email account's email so you can read it from any web browser too.
You can tell your web-based account to email your primary account whenever it receives email, every time it receives an email, or every four hours, or only once per day. That way you don't have to check it.
The ads you see are minimal, and half of those ads you see are controlled by PuterGeek.Com.
It's another way to show your support for PuterGeek.Com. Like all free email accounts, there is a tag line added at the bottom of every email you send from the account. With PuterGeek, the tagline simply says "Need some free 'puter help?" and gives the website URL. So by using it, you'll help get the name out there as well as possibly help someone.
You can throw it away any time you start getting too much SPAM, you then simply sign up for a new one.
It's free!
It's quick and easy to sign up.
IMHO it sends and receives email much faster that most of the other "big name" free services.
So, what's in it for me, why am I offering this service? First, I don't get paid by anyone for offering free email! What I do get, is a reason for people to come to PuterGeek.Com other than when they need help. I want PuterGeek.Com to become one of you regular daily stops on the web.
Services like free web-based email, the user-to-user message board, the "Never Ending Story" page, the "Add-a-Link" page, the Poll, Horror Stories, The Chat room, The PeterCam, and so on are here to hopefully give you a reason to come back, as well as to get you to tell your friends and family about the website.
So how about it? Why not sign up for your free web-based email account from PuterGeek.Com? It'll take you all of about 10 minutes to signup and figure out how it works plus you'll be supporting my website as well as telling others about PuterGeek.Com.
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