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World Enough and Time...

Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, Lady, were no crime

The first lines of “To His Coy Mistress,” a poem by the seventeenth-century English poet Andrew Marvell. The poet tells a woman whom he loves that if they had endless time and space at their disposal, then he could accept her unwillingness to go to bed with him. Life is short, however, and opportunities must be seized. Read the poem!

Picture by the always incredible Bent.

Don't you agree, lover...?

WARNING: This deals with religion from both a human and a demonic standpoint; Christian, Muslim, Judaism, and Hinduism are all included, but I've made up my own demonic religion as well.  I'm Catholic myself, and this story in no way reflects my beliefs in my religion. Remember, it's for plot purposes only! I actually hadn't realized how religious this was until I was about 1/3 of the way through it. ALSO: This contains heavy NC-17 content, including blood play, semi-nonconsensual sex, mentions of m/m, some f/f, a possible m/f/f, torture, death, and other extremely violent things. If you’re offended by any of this, then please read no further.

All lines from the show aren't my words (obviously), and were found here.

Feedback is always welcome: Christine

Chapter 1:   The Courtship Chapter 2: The Deal Chapter 3: Royalty Chapter 4:
The World Continues On...
Chapter 5:  
Life Is As You Make It
Prologue Part 11 Part 22 Part 33 Part 44
Part 1 Part12 Part 23 Part 34 Part 45
Part 2 Part13 Part 24 Part 35 Part 46
Part 3 Part 14 Part 25 Part 36 Part 47
Part 4 Part 15 Part 26 Part 37 Part 48
Part 5 Part 16 Part 27 Part 38 Part 49
Part 6 Part 17 Part 28 Part 39 Part 50
Part 7 Part 18 Part 29 Part 40 Part 51
Part 8 Part 19 Part 30 Part 41 Part 52
Part 9 Part 20 Part 31 Part 42 Part 53
Part 10 Part 21 Part 32 Part 43 Part 54
Chapter 6: Inner Corruption  Chapter 7: External Deceit Chapter 8: Life Is Eternal Chapter 9: 
The Pain and The Ecstasy
Chapter 10:
Love is Pain and Passion
Part 55 Part 66 Part 77 Part 88 Part 99
Part 56 Part 67 Part 78 Part 89 Part 100
Part 57 Part 68 Part 79 Part 90 Part 101
Part 58 Part 69 Part 80 Part 91 Part 102
Part 59 Part 70 Part 81 Part 92 Part 103
Part 60 Part 71 Part 82 Part 93 Part 104
Part 61 Part 72 Part 83 Part 94 Part 105
Part 62 Part 73 Part 84 Part 95 Part 106
Part 63 Part 74 Part 85 Part 96 Part 107
Part 64 Part 75 Part 86 Part 97 Part 108
Part 65 Part 76 Part 87 Part 98 Part 109

Special thanks to L.J. for the wonderful beta, to kolumbyne for her ideas, her patience, her late nights IM-ing me with ideas, plans, plots, and lines...and for prodding me to do this story in the first place, and to Bent for watching S2 one too many times, and giving me enough material on Angelus to write a dissertation.



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