Spectrum Personnel File
be viewed only by Rainbow Clearance candidates
Name: Conrad Turner.
Date of Birth: 17th March 2029.
Place of Birth: Manchester, England.
Selection Committee notes:
Notes of interest: Turner didn't receive any affection or comfort of a normal family life from his relative. In university, he became a recluse and cut himself off from his fellow students and developed a single-minded drive and ambition. After joining Spectrum, he was chosen to lead the Zero X mission to Mars to investigate strange alien signals that had been picked up. It was him and his team who first discovered the Mysterons' complex on Mars, but on confusing a scanning device for a weapon, Turner gave the order to destroy the city. He and his team were witness to the first display of the Mysterons' power of reversing matter (retro-metabolism) as they reconstructed their ruined city. Swearing vengeance on the peoples of Earth, they took control of Turner to use him as their primary agent on Earth. He is now an agent of the Mysterons, working against us and receiving order directly from the Mysterons. He uses his precision, skill and swiftness, kills developed in the service of Earth, to carry out his orders.
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