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Meet the members



The Mysteron Complex Retrometabolised

Meet the members

Mysterons and Spectrum Agents



The Mysterons


The Complex


Memorable dates of the month

Related Links

Unrelated links

Fan Fiction


Mysteron Files

Spectrum Personnel


Photo Diary


You may have to join to view certain files:

Our Complex on MSN

Comm link

Forum FanFic

Officers' Lounge




Before you read any further, I want to make it clear that I did very little on this page and indeed many of the others! Thank you very much to Chris (Captain Sapphire) for all her help and to Jay (Captain Ebony) for all her help. Just take a look at the picture to know what Jay did! - Aquamarine


Recent Updates!

6th November 2003

I'm really not good at remembering updates! Sorry! Anyways, here are the updates I made today:

Dates to remember and Memorable dates of the month pages updated for November

5th October 2003

Sorry I haven't been updating this page. The Dates to remember and Memorable dates of the month have been altered for this month.

The Fan Fiction page has been editted, Chapter three of Welcome to the Real World is coming soon...

7th September 2003

New links added to Related Links page and a cool sound bite of a polyphonic ringtone added to Downloads

28th August 2003

New comment added to the Winged Assassin episode page care of Captain Yellow!

26th August 2003

New page added today! Photo Diary depicting a few of the events of my week with Jay

11th August 2003

Sorry about the long delay in updating! Work a lot y'see. But the following pages have been updated:

General has been updated to include a suggestion sent in by Captain Yellow

Dates to remember page has been updated along with the Memorable dates of the month page for August. There is a note on the Memorable dates page. The calendar was down when the page was editted, so if I've missed off any of your national holidays, please let me know and I'll correct it! Thanks

19th July 2003

Fan Fiction page updated to include a new story from Amber Nytstar

1st July 2003

Hi guys! Sorry for no updates as of late, been rather busy though! However, I've managed to squeeze out a few little ones for you!

Dates updated to include Captain Teal's birthday

Memorable dates page updated

The Mysterons episode page updated to include a suggestion sent in by CJ


14th June 2003

New picture added - Captain Yellow's character profile

New concept added to the Lunarville 7 write up, sent in by Captain Yellow

Welcome to TMC.
This MSN Group is based on the Supermarionation TV show "Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons".


This website is a place for fans of the show to discuss aspects regarding it, and to also take part in an original role play atmosphere with their own characters.


Though this is a Mysteron Complex, many Spectrum officers are on constant duty here...trying to keep we Mysterons under control. But they know that they can never match our strength, never mind overpower it!


Join in this continuing war of nerves between Earth and Mars online.


Who will you side with?  



"The chances of anything coming from Mars

Are a million to one they say

The chances of anything coming from Mars

Are a million to one...but they still come!"


- Taken from War of the Worlds. Eve of the War.






 The Mysteron Complex Retrometabolised - Meet the members

Mysterons and Spectrum Agents - Gallery - Characters - The Mysterons - Technologies -

The Complex - Dates - Memorable dates of the month -

Related Links - Unrelated links - Fan Fiction - Episodes - Mysteron Files - Spectrum Personnel - Downloads - PHOTO DIARY





Our Complex on MSN - Comm link - Forum FanFic  - Officers' Lounge - Downloads







Copyright (c) of all trademark material "Supermationation", "Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons", and all other series titles, and all their characters, vehicles, craft, etc. owned by ITC POLYGRAM, CARLTON, unless otherwise mentioned. Information of the series mentioned on this site are all been taken from copyright (c) materials, and we acknowledge the properties to their rightful owners.  No money is being made on this site by its owners.