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Point 783

This is the voice of the Mysterons! We know you can hear us, Earthmen! We have not forgotten. We will destroy the Supreme Commander of Earth Forces within the next 24 hours. Supreme Commander: You have only 24 more hours to live!

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Out of the two men at the very beginning one had the voice of the lunar controller (Lunarville 7) and the other, I’m sure, was Fraser (Crater 101). This episode is off to a good start already!

After the Unitron has been given its target there is a shot of it going along at a slight angle. I love the view of the string in the sand pulling it along!

Then after it blows up its targets it drives through the flames and emerges on the other side on fire itself!

Green instructs Angels 2 and 3 be launched before Scarlet requests his own launch clearance then, after the SPJ took off, we see a shot off Harmony and Melody only just entering the lifts! The Amber Room’s not that big! Surely it doesn’t take that long to cross it!

The car with Major Brooks and Colonel Storm in definitely has something wrong with it. In its first shot, it drives along with sparks flying out from underneath it! If I were them, I’d get it looked at!

That Grand Catskill Tunnel looked to have plenty of room for both the lorry and the car to pass through comfortably!

Wee! Look at the little wheel spinning away while its owners are Mysteronised!

Don’t these guys ever walk anywhere? Always those funny moving walkways everywhere! Did they forget what walking is in the future?

Aww, bless! Scarlet looks all sick again!

The sign in the SHEF building said, "You must now proceed". Must? Pushy! D’you think Scarlet put that in?

Scarlet realises that Major Brooks is a Mysteron and brings down those safety glass tube thingies.
Captain Blue: *Banging on the glass* Help! There’s no air in

I wonder if Black ever gets hot running around always wearing, um, black. He never looks hot, though he didn’t have his big black coat on today! Maybe he does! Get hot that is.

Captain Black: This is Captain Black relaying instructions from the Mysterons on Mars
Really? Didn’t know that’s where they were! Hello!! Where are they normally?

Strange. When they begin their Unitron exercise, most of the shots are just the reverse angle of previous shots!

Why exactly is Scarlet hanging round that market? Or do I wanna know?!

Scarlet approaches the market worker.
Captain Scarlet: Captain Scarlet, Spectrum. Pursuit vehicle 482 immediately.
Market worker: Pursuit what? What are you talking about? I only sell pots!
Captain Scarlet: Oops!

Colonel White advises Captain Blue on what to do about the Unitron attack.
Colonel White: Captain Scarlet will be with you in six minutes. Do exactly what he says.
I bet Scarlet loved that! Didn’t even need to say his usual "Do as I say"!

Okay, that Supreme Commander’s a bit worrying! The way he lays next to Scarlet in the sand, hand on the chest and the other round his shoulders…



Regular Characters:  Guest Characters:  Equipment: 
Captain Scarlet  Supreme Commander Earth Forces - Paul Maxwell Cloudbase 
Captain Blue  General Cope - David Healy SPV 428 
Colonel White  Colonel Storm - Jeremy Wilkin Angel Interceptors 
Destiny Angel  Major Brooks - David Healy SPJ 
Lieutenant Green  Captain Hassel - Charles Tingwell Helicopter 
Captain Black  MCA Tanker Driver's Mate - Martin King Unitron 
Melody Angel  Arab - Gary Files  
Harmony Angel  Security Bank Voice - Gary Files  
  Robot Voice - Jeremy Wilkin  




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Copyright (c) of all trademark material "Supermationation", "Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons", and all other series titles, and all their characters, vehicles, craft, etc. owned by ITC POLYGRAM, CARLTON, unless otherwise mentioned. Information of the series mentioned on this site are all been taken from copyright (c) materials, and we acknowledge the properties to their rightful owners.  No money is being made on this site by its owners.